Chapter 504 Clothing
It wouldn't be embarrassing for Qi Ye to say anything, after all, Qi Ye explained clearly here.

[The other younger sisters are also unlucky. Could it be because of this incident that Qi Ye will no longer have anything to do with Hexagram in the future? 】

【Maybe, it's possible. Qi Ye is a person who avoids suspicion. There was a female celebrity who wanted to hype him up, and Qi Ye never cooperated with that female celebrity again. 】

[In this way, Qi Ye may reject this award presentation, but this time's hot search should not have anything to do with Shifei's side, and others immediately clarified it. 】

Netizens are most concerned about this music festival.

Because it is more professional and it is broadcast live on TV, many people think it is compelling.

Hexagram has achieved such results since his debut, which is considered very good, and it is also very enviable.

[Six-pointed star will participate in the New Year's Eve after this event. After the New Year's Eve, there should be no schedule. 】

The first half year of debut is considered the busiest time for everyone, after that, Starlight Girls arranged less itineraries for everyone.

After all, it is an idol group, at most it will release albums in a year, do some face-to-face meetings and so on. Next year, on the first anniversary of their debut, there will be a concert, and the next year, a group will disband and go on tour.

At other times, the individual time of the members will be more.

Everyone is discussing the red carpet, and fans of the six-pointed star are also discussing it.

【Ahhhhh, happy, I've listened to that song many times, it's really good! 】

[Will Qi Ye be the one who presents the award?Qi Ye should be there, right?It should be a very happy thing to watch the troupe brought out by myself take the trophy from him? 】

【Everyone, don't think too much. Our family's level is mostly just a running companion. The chance of winning the award is too small, but nomination is recognition. 】

The Golden Melody Award has never been given to an idol group before. This kind of award has always been better than the lack. There have been no nominations for several years.

That's why fans say that nomination means approval.

[Yes, this time there is a new song by an old singer, that song is also very good, at least many people are very familiar with that song. 】

[Golden songs not only need to be popular, but also interesting enough. Our "Shining" is quite popular, but the meaning in it is not particularly profound. Compared with the old predecessors, it is still a bit worse! 】

Unlike other netizens, all fans of Hexagram Star think that they should not get this reward. After all, how long has it been since their debut?
And it's an idol group.

In any case, the above will not send rewards to them.

[Normal mind, normal mind. 】

[I'm actually looking forward to the red carpet outfits of my sisters, after all, this is the red carpet debut!I am so looking forward to it! 】

[Yes, yes, what to wear that day is also the key point! 】

The clothes that Starlight Entertainment borrowed must not be too bad, and now six people are auditioning for clothes in Starlight Entertainment.

Holding the idea that the fat and water will not flow into the field of outsiders, the clothes borrowed by Starlight Entertainment are the clothes of the veins.

Mailuo is extravagant, ordinary celebrities can't borrow Mailuo's clothes.

When seeing the clothes, except for Ye Tian, ​​everyone else was stunned.

This is the context!

Top luxury!

(End of this chapter)

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