Chapter 512 Isn't it cold?
Shi Fei did indeed borrow clothes, but Shi Fei was very dissatisfied with the process of borrowing clothes and the final item borrowed.

When she heard what the context designer said, her mentality collapsed. After returning to the company, her manager was speechless when she heard what Shi Fei had done.

Everyone in the circle knows that friend's violent temper. If you said something else, it would be okay, but you just said that his main hit or the finale of the main hit is not good.

Starlight Entertainment didn't have any clothes for the winter finale for their own people. They gave it to Shi Fei, but Shi Fei actually missed this opportunity.

Now being blacklisted by the other party, there is no way to get in touch with such an excellent brand in the future, unless Mailuo changes the chief designer, but this is even more difficult than getting back together with Mailuo.

"I don't have a big problem wearing this, right?" The little skirt Shi Fei is wearing now is also white, but it's just a new winter model of a relatively small brand. This brand is still somewhat well-known now, but compared But the difference is too much.

"No problem, it looks good on us. If we perform well this time, maybe we can be called the spokespersons of each other. By then, we will be able to say it without the context of our clothes." This brand also takes the luxury line, It's just that not many people know about it.

If Shi Fei could win the endorsement because of this time, it would be blood money.

After all, everyone knows that Mainline does not have a spokesperson, even if they are close friends of the brand, there are only two or three, and they are from different regions.

"Please help me fight for it." Shi Fei also knew that only in this way could he win the round.

"Nine times out of ten, the other party has been inspecting the spokespersons for a long time, and the brand fit between you and them is still very high." The agent said.

Small brands have the benefits of small brands.

This is considered a luxury product, but it is not well-known. What it shows is that it will not be too low and will not be able to receive better brands in the future, but it will not be too good, which is in line with Shifei's current position.

"Behave better today. You have to laugh and show your pure feeling. The clothes are a bit cold. I put a warm baby on your back, but there is no way to put it on the bottom, so bear with it."

Now it’s the end of the year, and it’s relatively cold, but the major award shows like to hold them at this time, or in January when it’s even colder. Celebrities wear skirts, some with bare legs.

Shi Feixia didn't feel cold because the air conditioner was turned on in the room, but when she joined several other people and walked on the red carpet...

"Why are you wearing a short skirt? Isn't it cold?" Wang Qing asked directly.

Each of them is wearing a long skirt, and long johns can be worn inside the skirt, and a warm baby is placed outside the long johns, which is warm.

Just the upper body is a little cold.

But Shi Fei's appearance does look pretty good, but it looks cold even if she looks at it.

"Fortunately, the clothes here are pretty good." When Shi Fei heard Wang Qing's words, her heart ached, but she still smiled.

Wang Qing didn't say much, the media had already discovered that several people had arrived.

As the hottest combination in China this year, the six-pointed star has attracted a lot of attention. In addition, Ye Tian is really popular recently. When they appeared, almost all the cameras turned.

It has been half a year since everyone debuted, and they are very clear about what to do in front of the camera.

The moment the camera pointed at everyone, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

"Ye Tian, ​​look this way!" Someone called Ye Tian's name.

(End of this chapter)

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