Chapter 517 Congratulations
The award ceremony of the music festival is also in chaos now, because of the live broadcast, people inside the venue did not use mobile phones, but the staff outside did have mobile phones.

After learning about this, the staff immediately looked online and began to check.

It is absolutely impossible for trophies to be awarded to artists who have lost their character. This is the principle of various domestic awards.

Now if it is verified to be true, then this trophy can only be given to someone else.

"Is it Mr. Tian's manager? Is it true or not?" This side immediately contacted the other side. The teacher is called Tian Ding, and he is the winner of the Golden Melody Award that has been booked this time.

This very meaningful song, written for my wife who has been with me for many years, won the Golden Melody Award, and everyone felt that it was what everyone expected.

However, now that the songwriter has cheated, the question arises, is this song written for his wife or his lover?

If it was written for a lover, the problem would be very big. Isn't this just promoting bad things?

Any award must conform to certain 'national conditions' before the method.

Moreover, the audience is not willing to get any honor for such a song.

[I'm really blind, I quite like this song, and said that Tian Ding is affectionate, now I can go to your sister, affectionate ghost, sing a love song to my wife, and sing in bed with my little lover at the same time?Nausea, vomit, vomit, vomit. 】

[Mouth area, mouth area, mouth area, the sisters upstairs can vomit louder! 】

[This video really pollutes my eyes, and now I am asking a lot of money for a pair of eyes that have never seen that video. 】

The video that was originally said to be impossible to post has been posted, because the key points have been coded.

Because of this, people who had some doubts before felt some physical discomfort.

What are these things?
Not only dual sports, but also multiplayer sports?

And those people in this multiplayer sport still look very young, but this teacher Tian is not too young anymore!
Is this possible?

[My God, why are these sisters attracted to that teacher? 】

【Probably because the teacher is short and ugly...】

【This is too... 】

[I announce that this year's Golden Melody Award belongs to the six-pointed star! "Shine" is such an inspirational song, wouldn't it be much better if it was written for little lovers? 】

[Ms. Tian's song, should I change its name to "Song of Little Three"? 】

["Song of the Little Three" is a good idea, I think it's okay, even when I hear this song now, I feel a little physically sick to my stomach. 】

Ye Tian and the others didn't know what was going on outside. When the Golden Melody Awards started, several people started to perform.

The first is anticipation.

Basically, everyone at the scene didn't know what happened. Qi Ye stood on it, and the name of the final winner was written on the piece of paper in his hand.

He knew who it was in advance, but just now, the organizer of the ceremony said a word to him through the headset.

"Mr. Qi, the ceremony temporarily changed the winners. The final award is the shining of the six-pointed star group. When you read it later, don't make a mistake."

Qi Ye was very shocked. Although he didn't know what happened, but now it's time to change the winner, that's what happened.

Ye Tian and the others were also puzzled, why didn't they announce it?Pretending to be so tiring!
(End of this chapter)

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