I conquered the entertainment industry with my beauty

Chapter 52 Ye Tian, ​​Shi Fei asks you for advice

Chapter 52 Ye Tian, ​​Shi Fei asks you for advice

Hearing this suggestion, Shi Fei's face instantly became ugly.

In her opinion, Ye Tian is not very strong either.

She herself is not bad, why should she ask someone who is similar to herself at this time?
This is embarrassing.

Moreover, she is really jealous of Ye Tian in her heart, Ye Tian is like a luminous body, no matter where she goes, countless people are looking at her.

Ye Tian seems to be the center of the world.

But why no one can see her?

No, more people will see her in the future, and she will become the center of everyone's attention, and she will become the woman who stands at the top of the world.

In particular, they will get Qi Ye!
When she was most desperate, when she heard Qi Ye's "A Little Sweet Too", she thought it was a song for her!

Seeing Shi Fei hesitate, Wang Qing thought she was embarrassed, so he said, "Don't worry, I just observed that Ye Tian is very good to everyone."

Wang Qing thinks that Shi Fei is also capable, and she is also a kind person. She likes to help others, and I believe Ye Tian will not refuse to help her.

"Feifei, you're just too nervous. If you relax a bit, you'll be able to sing well." Wang Qing continued, but she didn't see that there was already a trace of impatience in Shi Fei's eyes.

"No, no need, let's practice by ourselves, Ye Tian...may not like me very much."

"Ah?" Wang Qing's eyes were full of doubts, "Is there some misunderstanding between you?"

Today is the first day of official contact with everyone. Everyone doesn't know each other very well. The two of them are talking here because they turned off their microphones.

"Just... we were in the same dormitory yesterday, and when I greeted her, she ignored me." Shi Fei felt a pain in her heart when she thought about yesterday.

Ye Tian's superior expression hurt her heart.

Obviously she was greeting the other party, but the other party didn't even look at her.

Afterwards, she successfully obtained A's registration, and looked at Ye Tian, ​​who also averted her gaze in an instant.

"Ah? It's normal to not be familiar with each other on the first day. It's okay, I'll call her for you!" Wang Qing thought it was nothing.

Seeing that Ye Tian was free over there, she looked at Ye Tian and said, "Ye Tian, ​​can you help us?"

After finishing speaking, she pulled Shi Fei and walked towards Ye Tian.

At this time, because Wang Qing had already turned on the closed microphone, the voice was relatively loud. Naturally, Shi Fei couldn't resist, so she just lowered her head and pretended to be very shy.

Ye Tian was sitting cross-legged on the ground drinking water, but when she saw Shi Fei being pulled towards her, she almost spit out water.

Why did you come to see her?

Shi Fei lowered her head to hide the jealousy in her eyes.

Just now, seeing Ye Tian being surrounded by people like stars holding the moon, how could she not be jealous?
Thinking of this, Shi Fei had another plan in mind.

"no no……"

"Feifei has never been very confident in singing, so I want to ask you for advice, is that okay?" Wang Qing was also a little apprehensive.

If what Shi Fei said just now is true, wouldn't it be embarrassing for them to be like this now?But the teacher has gone to rest now, and he will not make much progress at all if he keeps practicing beside him.

However, Wang Qing thinks that Ye Tian is not that kind of person, right?
When Ye Tian heard this, she looked at Shi Fei with a half-smile.

She could guess with her toes what Shi Fei was thinking.

 I read a good novel today, but it's too short.

  Continue to ask for recommendation tickets~
  By the way, everyone, don’t ask me what the god said~ The god said that after the answer, the author can’t manage the comments below. I’m afraid that someone will spray me and I won’t be able to delete her, so I won’t answer~ Thank you for your likes~

(End of this chapter)

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