Chapter 529 It's Just Fishing
"I'm going, just to give An Yunle a chance to tell him directly. After all, I didn't know what to say if I didn't have a good chance." Ye Ming thought about it, and he really had something to say. It is necessary to go.

Now that the two are just getting together, the entanglement between them is not particularly deep. Let me explain everything clearly so that the two of you won't suffer later.

Ye Tian raised her head, looked at Ye Ming, then walked over and hugged him: "Brother, isn't he looking for a girlfriend?"

She didn't know what happened to Ye Ming and his first girlfriend back then, but after hearing what Ye Ming said, she always felt that Ye Ming broke up with him because of this kind of thing before, right?
"Don't think too much. I didn't do it because of this kind of thing. I'm not that stupid." Ye Ming doesn't suggest that Han Han should be treated like this without telling his girlfriend what's going on in his house after such a long time. Call each other.

Thinking of his first girlfriend, Ye Ming sighed.

"I just haven't played enough yet, and I don't want to find a girlfriend."

Ye Tian curled her lips, knowing that Ye Ming had a different heart.

The two elder brothers in the family have no fixed girlfriends until now, not to mention the eldest brother, there is not even one who is not fixed.

The same is true for Ye Ming. Up to now, he has changed his girlfriend and changed his clothes as shown in the picture. The one that was rumored some time ago has now been changed.

Alas, you are such a grown-up person, why are you still so worrying?
"Don't think too much about it. If you want to go out to play, prepare to go out. You can shoot commercials after the Chinese New Year, and you can shoot now. Anyway, there is no rush." Is it just a matter of one sentence?
Ye Tian also nodded.

"Okay, let's hang out together then." Ye Tian was persuaded by Ye Ming.After she returned to the room, she covered her face.

In fact, she really wanted to live a two-person world. With her brother by her side, it would be... so embarrassing.

But what my brother said is also reasonable, Wang Qing and An Yunle should treat each other frankly.

An Yunle will not talk about it, since she knows everything, Wang Qing is the first friend in this life, and Ye Tian also hopes that the other party can truly live a happy life.

When Qi Ye knew that Ye Ming was still going, he was in a bad mood.

When talking about things with Ye Ming at night, the atmosphere between the two of them was not so harmonious.

"Do you really have nothing to do?" Qi Ye suspected that Ye Ming often appeared on the trending searches. Of course, these trending searches are nothing more than that this friend has changed his girlfriend again.

You changed girlfriends so diligently, and you still have things to do in the company, so you still have time to hang out with them now?
"Maybe my time management is better." Ye Ming said with some pride.

What is this?

It's not as good as some people in the circle. He still needs to rest and sleep, but he doesn't have a big property in his hand, so he just has a lot of time for fun.

"It's you, your company, it's not been peaceful recently." Qi Ye has a lot of problems, and Ye Ming knows it very well.

During this time, someone was targeting Qi Ye's company. After Qi Ye finished filming, he spent all his time in the company except the time he spent with Ye Tian every day.

"It's just fishing." Qi Ye's mouth slowly curled up.

(End of this chapter)

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