Chapter 532 How is it possible
Shi Fei's expression changed instantly.

Mailuo and their combination cooperation?How is this possible?
Mailuo would never cooperate with a group, let alone, as the chief said at the time, she would never be able to borrow Mailuo's clothes, so how could she cooperate?

"What you said is true?" Shi Fei looked at the actress opposite, and felt that she looked familiar, but she really couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

"It's not very sure, but it's pretty close? Has your agent notified you yet?" In fact, she doesn't know who the spokesperson is, but the possibility of looking at the six-pointed star is the most.

Originally, when she saw Shi Fei, she wanted to test it out, but she didn't expect this person to know nothing.

"No, the manager didn't tell me this at all." Shi Fei was a little suspicious now, whether she excluded those people for nothing, otherwise, why didn't she know anything.

The person in front of her who had never met before knew more than she did.

"That may not be the case, and the person who gave me the news may not have heard it wrong."

This person has no patience. Shi Fei continued to talk. In her opinion, Shi Fei is just a starlet and is not qualified to talk to her.

If it weren't for the endorsement, she wouldn't talk to this kind of starlet.

Shi Fei returned to her seat, but because of what the man said just now, she was a little uneasy.

Is it because those people endorsed the context without her share, or is it really just like what the person said just now, she just heard it wrong?
If she is excluded by the context alone, then...

It's a bit scary to think about it, after all, this will make Shi Fei's fashion feel a lot of doubts.

Shi Fei sent a message to the agent, asking the agent to ask who the spokesperson of this context is.

But the agent sent a message to Shi Fei directly:
——Feifei, you think too much. Mailuo has never had a spokesperson for so many years, and there will be no one in the future, right?How did you come up with the idea to inquire about this news?

After seeing the message from the manager, Shi Fei was stunned.

She asked again if the manager really didn't have one, and the manager answered very carefully:
——It’s really not. It has been hundreds of years since the establishment of Mailan, but in the past 100 years, it has only had three spokespersons. Those three are all well-known spokespersons for Mailian. Not only among the stars, sometimes other people.

For example, Mailuo's second spokesperson was the wife who was in charge of the family at that time.

After seeing these, Shi Fei felt a lot of uneasiness in her heart.

That's it, what the man said just now made people feel very worried.

The words "contextual spokesperson" carry too much weight in the circle.

It takes a long time for luxury goods to inspect a star, but once you see it right, there is no inspection period. It is said that the artist has certain eccentricities, maybe that is the case.

When you are dispensable, I will make things difficult for you, but when you meet the one and only, you can be desperate.

"Shi Fei, it's time for you to shoot, are you ready?" After Shi Fei put on her makeup, the staff next to her held her skirt in her hands.

She walked over, put on her skirt, and started filming, and Ye Tian also started filming on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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