Chapter 548 But that's it
A person came by from the side, Xing Ranran and Ye Tian turned their heads to see who it was. After the other party finished saying this sentence, they seemed to have no interest in continuing to talk to them. He walked into the classroom in high heels.

Two people: who is this?
"Do you know him?" Ye Tian was a little puzzled, and left after saying something, which was not so pleasant.

Such an approach is obviously finding fault.

But Ye Tian is sure that the person in front of her is not familiar with her, whether it is before or in the future, it is impossible to offend her, right?
What's wrong?
"Hmm... It seems to be the girl group that the company debuted last year, but compared to the previous seniors, it's too vague. I don't have any impression. She should have come to class today." Xing Ranran racked her brains, and finally He dug this person out from the depths of his memory.

That group can be regarded as the most confused idol group in Star Entertainment over the years.

Among them were three girls.

"Actually, the group was very popular when it first came out. I have the impression because of that time, but I don't know what happened after that." Xing Ranran shrugged.

Although he is vague, Que regards himself as a senior and speaks to others in a lecturing tone. Such people are not uncommon in the circle.

Ye Tian also shrugged her shoulders, and the two walked into the classroom, which was already full of people.

These courses are paid a lot of money by Starlight Entertainment, and the stars don't need to pay any fees again.

If you want to ask these teachers out, first of all, you have nothing to do with them, and you can't even find the teachers anywhere. Secondly, even if you have money, it depends on the mood of the teachers.

"Today is that teacher who has always played the old lady." Xing Ranran looked at the schedule, sat on Ye Tian's left, and said happily.

"This teacher is still Yanying's professor, and he only comes to us to teach on Saturdays and weekends."

Ye Tian looked at the name, and it was indeed an artist she thought she was familiar with.

"The afternoon is about some basic things. This afternoon is just the time for this teacher to start the lecture from the beginning."

Xing Ranran continued talking.

The company considers that for all artists, courses and the like will be offered repeatedly, just like a school, after the course of this period is completed, you can enter the next period of study.

After Xing Ranran joined Starlight Entertainment, he was like a fish in water, and he especially liked the various systems of Starlight Entertainment.

Especially with such a training system, she was in class almost every day during the rest period.

"Is your schedule so tight?" Ye Tian couldn't help being surprised when she heard the other party speak.

Xing Ranran's learning ability is indeed very strong, otherwise, he would not have been the top student in the college entrance examination.

But looking at those people around, most of them came here because they didn't announce or were forced by their agents. Most of them were not very willing to come to class.

After all there is time to sit here and say no work.

But looking at Xing Ranran, it was an expression of joy.

"It's fulfilling like this, it feels too bad to have nothing to do!" Xing Ranran was very happy, but the person next to him who answered a sentence just now sneered.

"That's really good, but there is no leader here, so it's useless to say more. If you really have the ability, why don't you go to the teacher for tutoring alone? Come here to give a big class? It seems that the six-pointed star group is nothing more than that Well!"

(End of this chapter)

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