Chapter 577 Blame Her
Those few people also answered Ye Tian flatteredly, and reported their names.

In this drama, although the male and female protagonists account for [-]% to [-]%, the other female second-five and male second-five are also considered important roles. Now the ones appearing here are the female second/female third/ Female five and male three/male four/male five
Today, everyone who has a role in the play will discuss the play they want to do here.

"Start from the first act." The director saw that everyone was here and walked to the table, holding the script in his hand.

The actors all come up with their scripts.

The one in Ye Tian's hand is not the original version. The original script has been filled with her notes, and it has become very old. The one I got now was printed just this morning, and Xu Ying helped to outline it. important.

The same goes for Qi Ye's scripts, they are all new and only changed in the morning, and the content is only today's content.

It is more convenient to carry it like this, and it will not hurt if it is lost on the set.

In the beginning, it was not the plot of Ye Tian and Qi Ye, but the one in the dormitory. In order to make the shooting more complete, the order of shooting will be different, but now when understanding the script, it is necessary to follow the script written on it. Do it all over again.

First of all, Ye Tian and the others.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)of. I haven't memorized ancient literature,modern literature,introductory literature,foreign literature."Yi Keke is also the second female in the play, a funny comparison.

Studying is not particularly good, and I miss 60 points every time.

Of course, according to her, we are college students, long live sixty!
"Rui Bao, have you started yet?" She turned her head and looked at Jiang Rui, wanting to find some comfort from the youngest person.

After all, if one person fails to recite it, it will be hell, but if two people fail to recite it, it will not be so bad all of a sudden.

Jiang Rui's expression was a little uncomfortable, back?Of course I didn’t memorize them. Is there any value in memorizing these things that can be memorized backwards after just one reading?

The teacher has already talked about it in class, don't you remember it?
"No." She said truthfully.

The teacher drew the key points at the end of the term, but she did not read a single word.

As a student majoring in Chinese language and literature, she can score 59 points every time she takes the exam, which is simply a genius!
Of course, she can get 60 in the make-up exam every semester, an improvement of one point, which is perfect.

"Did you fail all your subjects last year, but not this year!"

"As the face value of our dormitory, at least you have to get sixty points in the exam, right?"

"I'll take you to the library!"

After saying this, the director called a stop.

"Xu Chu, your line skills still need to be improved!" The director felt a little headache, and now he just read the lines to let everyone get familiar with the plot.

If the lines are not good, it can be dubbed when the time comes, this is not a big problem.

But I'm afraid...

"Sorry, sorry, let me adjust."

"Okay, you think about it slowly, and then continue."

There will be no Xu Chu's role in the future, Xu Chu can watch her own part with peace of mind.

Ye Tian looked up at Xu Chu.

Xu Chu went to Qi Ye's side with wine yesterday, but she still remembered it!

If it wasn't for this, how could she drink two more glasses?
(End of this chapter)

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