Chapter 579
Tony thought about it, and began to put makeup on Ye Tian's face.

It is indeed a pleasure for him to put makeup on Ye Tian.

"Then I won't make too many things for you, just trim your eyebrows and modify your face."

The lens generally eats up part of a person's appearance. Without beauty, even the person captured by the camera of a mobile phone is not so good-looking.

Ye Tian's appearance is very good, but part of it will still be eaten by the camera, and what Tony has to do is to make up for this part.

"When will I be able to have my exclusive dressing room?" The people outside looked at Ye Tian's own makeup artist, but she had to line up here. Many people's faces were full of envy. A small number of people are not only envious but also jealous.

Ye Tian only made her debut for half a year, and to be able to achieve her current achievements in half a year, in the eyes of many people, is [-]% luck.

It's just good luck to catch up with such a talent show, otherwise, it would be hard to start from scratch.

A talent show gave her the most basic fans, and then she had the opportunity to appear in front of the public.

Afterwards, it was logical to become the number one heroine of the idol drama. If it were them, wouldn't it be okay?
Moreover, many of the people present are graduates of professional film schools. Compared with Ye Tian, ​​isn't it more suitable to be the heroine of a TV series?

But they lack some fans than Ye Tian, ​​lack of audience base, acting skills?

Does Ye Tian have acting skills?
Many people think this way in their hearts. Although they don't show it on the surface, in fact, they don't take Ye Tian seriously, or they are just jealous to death.

Of course, Ye Tian didn't know what the people outside were thinking, even if she knew, she wouldn't have any comparable opinions.

After all, this circle is like this. When you are popular, even if others look down on you, they can only smile when they see you.

But once you're not hot...

"Tian, ​​the Xu Chu you live in, I think it's a bit weird." Tony said while doing makeup and hairstyle for Ye Tian.

"Why is it strange?"

"Didn't I rest here just now? She came out first and talked to me, as if she wanted to inquire about you. I didn't say anything, but she said she was your fan."

After Ye Tian heard it, she just sneered: "My fan." Does she always say that when she looks at everyone? When she looked at Qi Ye before, she also said that she was Qi Ye's fan."

"Especially yesterday, I pretended to be drunk and wanted to lean on Qi Ye." Ye Tian puffed up her mouth as she spoke.

Just thinking about it makes me unhappy.

Although Qi Ye resolutely refused at the time, Ye Tian felt very uncomfortable with that person's methods.

"Really? I have to be more careful from now on, and I will never allow people from her side to get in." Tony thought thoughtfully.

After spending such a long time in this circle, who hasn't he met?

In this way, you can come to get close, that is really too sophisticated, and you know how to use yourself.

"Leaning on Teacher Qi while drunk, are you proficient?" Tony continued to ask.

If such a person is on the set, it really has to be guarded against.

"Proficient in movement?" Ye Tian was a little stuck for a while, this...she really couldn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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