Chapter 590 Is this the life of the rich?
Therefore, which outfit Ye Tian wore when she came in the morning has already been included in the heroine's costume library, and the label has been put away.

At noon, Xu Ying brought Ye Tian a lot of clothes, all of which were labeled.

There is also a mark on the script, which scene is the number of clothes.

Before filming, when preparing character items, the heroine’s costumes were blank. One was to save money, and the other was that most of the crew’s clothes were rented, and I don’t know how many times they were used.

Ye Tian doesn't like wearing those clothes, she won't wear her own clothes too many times, let alone share them with others?

This is a modern drama, and the heroine's character design is the kind that doesn't need money, so the clothes are changed frequently.The sponsor's father is Starlight Entertainment. Although the heroine's clothing fee is not unaffordable, save as much as you can.

"There are three outfits to change in the afternoon, and you are going to wear No. [-] outfit now. You put it on first, and then put on makeup!" Teacher Tony has thoughtfully arranged all the clothes and put them on the clothes rack next to him.

Each set comes in a bag.

"Xiaoyue, when you come here every day, remember to check the number of clothes. After Ye Tian goes to film, you follow me to familiarize yourself with each set of clothes." Teacher Tony looked at Luo Yue and said.

The other two assistants are mainly security guards and drivers. By the way, they do some errand work. Luo Yue is by Ye Tian's side, which is equivalent to a manager, responsible for Ye Tian's contact with others, fans and so on.

"Okay, how many sets are there in total?" Luo Yue turned her head to look at the several rows of one, and swallowed her saliva instantly.

That's too much. It's not like she hasn't seen the costumes of the crew before. For poorer crews, the hero and heroine only wear one or two sets of clothes all the time.

For those who are richer, there will be no more than ten sets at most, and if they are big names, they are basically borrowed or sponsored.

Ye Tian, ​​these are different, they are all big names.

After all, they are directly taken out from home, and there are many clothes of veins, as well as some other brands.

"This is the clothes needed for the first half, about forty or fifty sets? The clothes for the later stage will be delivered after the shooting." After Tony finished speaking, Luo Yue opened his mouth wide.

"This... so much?"

"Are we filming a TV series, or a fashion show?"

When Tony heard this, he gave her a blank stare: "What do you know, this is the life of a real rich family, what does everyone imagine the little princess of a rich family should look like? Is it too much to change a dress every day?"

Jiang Rui in the play has a very rich family, and she is also able to make a lot of money herself. She always changes her clothes every day.

"Sweet... sweet." Luo Yue turned her head and looked at Ye Du.

She had never paid attention to Ye Tian's clothes before.

"Are you like this too?" After asking, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Ye Tian lowered her head and propped her chin with her hands, as if she was thinking about how to answer.

"It's okay, I can take it."

"How should I put it? It's a bit exaggerated. If I like my clothes, I will wear them many times."

"However, basically every quarter new clothes will be sent to my home by the cooperative brand."

"So, where did the last season's clothes go?"

"I don't know about that, it's handled at home."

(End of this chapter)

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