Chapter 599
There was a lot of slap in the face. Talking about Shi Fei's current development, it was really slapping the others.

Shi Fei is the well-deserved TOP.

The investors must have chosen her as the heroine because of Shi Fei's unparalleled traffic, or because of Shi Fei's acting skills.

There are also rumors that Ye Tian and Shi Fei went to the audition together, but Shi Fei won and Ye Tian lost.

All kinds of rumors, pulling teammates out to compare, one can tell which ones are sailors.

After all, real netizens are definitely not that boring.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: Hahahaha, our trending search has reached the top!

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: When the single is released, everyone remember to promote it to me!

Although there is no need for publicity, the three words An Yunle are the guarantee of sales, and there is Wang Qing, a newcomer who is not bad at the moment.

Tian Tian wants to drink milk: No problem, when will you release this song?

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: 2.14
Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: Yo?Is it really a love song?so exciting?Why doesn't Teacher An ask me to sing?I also sing love songs very well!
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: hum!
Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: My album will be released in a while, if you guys release it on 2.14, then I will move the time back, otherwise I will bump into it by then and give someone else a performance.

The current Hexagram is really relying on its own strength to support an unknown number of marketing accounts.

There is something going on inside the six-pointed star, and they may be the first to know.

There is no other reason, that is, the traffic is too high, and the traffic is too high, which leads to the comments of countless people who write anything related to the hexagram.

If there are hot spots, then hot searches can be arranged directly.

An Yunle and Wang Qing's songs, no matter what they say, must be of good quality, and because Wang Qing's traffic is related, all kinds of charts will definitely have to be rushed.

If Xing Ranran's own songs were released at the same time as theirs, it would definitely cause competition for the charts.

Not good for either.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: OK!love you~
Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: Disgusting.

Qingqing really wants to eat meat: err, you are fierce.

The two started playing in the group.

Ye Tian looked at the news in the group while looking at the trending searches.

The popularity of Shi Fei's news dropped quickly. After all, the difference between Shi Fei and An Yunle is not 01:30.

What everyone wants to see is not the heroine of Shi Fei's IP, but more concerned about when An Yunle's new song will be released.

"Are you watching Hot Search? I made a connection with our side before, and I have already told the fans not to talk to me in time!"

Seeing that Ye Tian was still smiling, Luo Yue asked.

Ye Tiandian nodded: "Yes, the hot search of the six-pointed star contains some guesses about our current state."

The guesses were so unrealistic, and some people guessed that she had offended someone and was about to be buried in the snow.

This... is a big brain.

"What kind of IP did Shi Fei get?"

"I was paying attention to that article in the afternoon, saying what kind of heroine is, but in fact, the proportion of heroines in that book does not exceed one-tenth."

Luo Yue told Ye Tian.

"It's a scheming essay, the male protagonist is plotting, and the female protagonist is a background board throughout the whole process."

(End of this chapter)

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