Chapter 6 was originally
Ye Tian was stunned, as if thinking of something, her eyes were haloed, "Guess."

"Okay." Wang Qing continued to eat.

Ye Tian looked at her heartless appearance, the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily.

Wang Qing's ending at the end of the book is not very good either.Because she was too heartless, she noticed that Shi Fei was not well but she didn't have much defense.

"Eat less, the uniform you wear won't cover you if you eat too much."

When Wang Qing heard this, she was stunned like a thunderbolt: "How can I have the energy to record a show if I don't eat enough?"

But having said that, she still touched her belly and put down her chopsticks reluctantly.

In the entire restaurant, just the two of them were sitting in it, and the surroundings were quiet.

The aunt who was ordering vegetables also asked: "Would you like to add more?"

"No, no, thank you, auntie." The aunt was too enthusiastic, and Wang Qing felt uncomfortable clutching her stomach.

After Ye Tian finished eating, she wiped her mouth with a paper towel, and the two of them put the plate on the designated place and walked out of the restaurant.

collective dressing room

99 girls gathered together, and those who came early had already put on their makeup and went to the studio ahead of time.

There are cameras in the studio, if you go in 1 minute early, you may get 1 minute more shots.

Ye Tian and Wang Qing came later and were at the back.

"Did they come here as soon as they woke up, didn't they eat? These women are too cruel." Wang Qing felt that she was not full and owed a little.

Ye Tian didn't answer.

It may be for the dream, for the dream, everything is worth it.

The moment Ye Tian entered the dressing room, almost everyone looked over.

There is no other reason, this beautiful sister has really refreshed the height of the word "beautiful".

Although there are still two eyes, one nose and one mouth, the inlay on that face looks very suitable.

Her face, just like God carved out with a ruler, does not look superfluous, everything is so just right.

Of course, Shi Fei also saw Ye Tian at this time.

She gritted her teeth, her heart full of unwillingness.

Why did she attract everyone's attention the moment she came in?
Obviously, she is so arrogant.

"Feifei, it's your turn to put on makeup!" Ai Tao, who was in the same dormitory, poked her.

In just one night, Shi Fei established relationships with all the girls in the dormitory.

Everyone thought she was a nice person.

Shi Fei also came back to her senses, put away all the jealousy in her eyes, and smiled at Ai Tao, "Okay, thank you Tao Tao, I'm a little nervous."

"It's okay, I'm nervous too, everyone in our company has put on their makeup and is about to get ready!" Ai Tao cheered Shi Fei up, and she walked away by herself.

Shi Fei sat on the makeup chair, closed her eyes, and let Teacher Tony play with her.

Since the two of Ye Tian came last, they waited until the last wave.

"Come on, come on, your name is Ye Tian, ​​right? This name is just right, it's really my sweetheart." Teacher Tony's words made Ye Tian tremble.

The appearance of calcium gas in this calcium, it is true that Mr. Tony belongs to the same family in the world.

"Little sweetheart, how about I give you a very nice hairstyle? Guaranteed, once you go up, you will be able to overwhelm the audience."

The corner of Ye Tian's mouth twitched. She came early in her previous life, she didn't meet this Tony teacher, but met another Tony teacher.

"I can overwhelm the audience even if I don't do hairstyles." Ye Tian said slowly, her expression didn't change at all.

It seemed normal to her to be so arrogant.

However, this is not the case in the ears of others.

(End of this chapter)

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