Chapter 609 Very Good

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tian's alarm clock rang, she subconsciously wanted a lazy bed, but there was already a knock on the door outside.


"What about getting up early and discussing the script with me?"

Qi Ye rested very comfortably all night.

Ye Tian covered her head with the quilt, she didn't want to wake up.

"Shall I come in?"


Ye Tian replied, Qi Ye stood outside and shook his head, opened the door, and walked in.

"Didn't it be agreed?"

Qi Ye walked over and dug Ye Tian out of the quilt.

Ye Tian was wrapped in a quilt, and looked at Qi Ye with sleepy eyes: "Sleepy."

She watched Chaohua for a long time without knowing it, and by the time she put down her phone, it was already around one o'clock.

"Playing with your phone at night?" Of course Qi Ye knew what was going on with Ye Tian.

Going to bed too late at night is the norm for young people nowadays.

"Yeah." Ye Tiandian nodded.

It's all because Chaohua is so good-looking.

She was not like this before!
"Give me your phone before going to bed tomorrow, and I'll keep it for you."

Filming every day is hard enough, and when I come back at night, it is basically around ten o'clock.

If you still want to play with your mobile phone, then you really don’t have time!


"Is that so decided?"

"Okay, then remember to wake me up in the morning."

"Okay." Qi Ye rubbed Ye Tian's hair.

Ye Tian stretched out her hand, rubbed her eyes, and gradually regained consciousness.

Woke up early today, Ye Tian checked the script with Qi Ye at home and finished eating, Ye Tian went out first today.

After all, Qi Ye has nothing to do with it, basically no one will say anything, but if Ye Tian goes late, there will definitely be a lot of people gossiping.

The next day's shooting task was mainly on Ye Tian and Qi Ye. There was no scene for Xu Chu, but Xu Chu still arrived.

"I'm here to learn from the director and try my best to improve myself. Everyone won't dislike me being in the way here, right?" When she laughed, there were two small dimples on her face, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"If you come, read the script for a while, if you want to learn, sit next to me when shooting." The director is also kind to her, after all, no one doesn't like hardworking people.

What's more, the other party is still a newcomer?
A rookie who works so hard will certainly not have low achievements in the future.

"Thank you, director, excuse me." The others didn't think anything of it, they just said politely that she was really eager to learn.

Ye Tian is holding the script in her hand now.

After a day of filming yesterday, she has actually grown up, and her understanding of many things has improved to a higher level.

During the reading session, the director looked at her in surprise.

"Ye Tian, ​​you're making rapid progress."

Yesterday and today, the performance at the reading meeting is completely different.

After Ye Tian heard it, the corners of her mouth curled up.

Her acting skills weren't bad in the first place, but now she was working with Qi Ye in the film crew, and when she got home, Qi Ye would accompany her in the show, enjoying the one-on-one guidance from the actor's classmate, plus her original acting skills.

Progress is of course fast!
Qi Ye, who was sitting opposite Ye Tian, ​​also noticed the change in Ye Tian, ​​and when Ye Tian raised his head, Qi Ye smiled at him.

"Very good, the mastery of the character is even better than yesterday."

Ye Tian smiled even more happily.

The actors next to him also looked at Ye Tian enviously.

They all know what Ye Tian's acting skills are like after watching it yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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