Chapter 618 The Artist Surnamed X

This is really amazing.

When Xu Chu received the call, his face was not good-looking, and when he hung up the phone, his whole body was a little shaky.

How could it be discovered?
She is very careful every time, when she meets each donor, she uses a different mobile phone and contacts with different accounts, even though these rich donors are also friends with each other.

She was so careful, so she was discovered?

This unscientific!

Of course no one will tell her why.

It's just that some news about her suddenly appeared on the Internet.

She is just a little transparent, even if there is news, she will be covered up early, but she has no choice but to stay on the set.

When the director got the news, he was also confused.

What kind of operation is this?
In the beginning, he was the one who was pushed in by the investor, and he also recognized it. After all, it felt pretty good.

Now the investor personally called and said that they should be replaced immediately.

This... How long did it take to break up with my benefactor father?

However, the director is also a little fortunate that the filming didn't take long.

Although Xu Chu's scenes were filmed a lot, in general, the loss was not big.

Just when Xu Chu was thinking about how to save her benefactor fathers, and went to explain to them, the director found her.

"Xu Chu, you know what you did, right?" The director didn't know anything, but only received news from the investor.

It was nothing at all, but after the investor finished calling, Starlight Entertainment also called immediately, saying that they wanted to change someone, because the artist's reputation was too bad.

The director was a little confused. There is such a thing as a gold master, and it is not unheard of in the circle, but most of the time everyone turns a blind eye.

It's not that there are no two people in the circle who were originally benefactors but eventually become husband and wife. No one can say for sure, so just ignore it and pass the acting skills, then that's OK.

"I..." Xu Chu's face was livid.

I didn't expect the other party to act so fast, so I called the director directly.

What can I do now?
Originally, she planned to say goodbye to the six benefactors in front of her after getting well with Qi Ye, but now that the car was overturned, the six benefactors called in turn, and the crew didn't want her anymore.

"Your scene will not be filmed today, we will change people."

Recently, Xu Chu is very hardworking, and the director likes it quite a bit.

But those who came in with the help of the benefactor at first, and then were forked out by the benefactor, are also impermanent.

"I see."

"Take a shortcut, where is the comfort of being down-to-earth?" When she was leaving, the director said such a sentence.

If you take a shortcut, once you fall, it will be an abyss, but if you walk down-to-earth on the road, even if the journey will be longer, you will not fall halfway.

Xu Chu came out from inside, his face pale.

The staff of the crew looked at her and were also very curious.

A few people still got together, as if they knew something.

"Did you read the gossip just now? An artist whose surname is X is one hundred and eight, and Neptune overturned."

"What, what? Let me see."

"My God, isn't this too powerful?"

"I just passed by the director's lounge, and our second female lead has changed!"

Several people immediately thought of Xu Chu's name.

"You know the dinner party that day? She still wanted to seduce Teacher Qi. She drank too much wine and wanted to pour it on Teacher Qi. This artist surnamed X should be her!"

(End of this chapter)

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