Chapter 629 Birthday
The second female in the plot is a relatively ordinary person.

For the Chinese I learn, the grades in each semester are just barely passing. If I can't get to the front, I won't say that failing will lead to make-up exams or retakes.

But her personality is very good, pistachio, can make people feel happy naturally.

According to the description in the script, when she laughed, all her troubles seemed to disappear.

It looks very similar to Wang Qing, Wang Qing was not very strong at the beginning, but the reason why she has so many fans is because her smile is very unusual, giving people a feeling of forgetting sorrow.

In addition, she is also cute herself, and she is often with Ye Tian. Ye Tian's fans know Wang Qing is cute. When Ye Tian's ranking is stable, some of Ye Tian's fans will give Wang Qing vote.

"She doesn't need it." After all, the character described in the book is learning Chinese.

Later, I will learn about some math-related things because of my friends, but I don’t understand anything in the early stage.

After the filming of the stage where she doesn't understand anything, if Wang Qing wants to learn, that's not impossible.

"By the way, you don't need to read math books if your major is Chinese or other. I forgot to mention it just now." The director turned his head and said to the leading actors who were about to leave.

Everyone got the script just now, and after hearing what the director said, they were all stunned. They felt that everyone in the crew should read mathematics, otherwise, they seemed to be out of tune with the atmosphere here.

Now after the director finished speaking, everyone woke up.

Yes, my role seems to have nothing to do with mathematics!
"Ahhhhh, I, the director, I don't want the book, I will save the director's money hahahaha!" Tao Tongtong flipped through his script, and after confirming that he was still a pure liberal arts student, he let out a pig-like laugh .

"Actress, actress! Be quiet, smile like this, and you won't have any fans in the future!"

"Don't worry about me, I don't need to study math anymore, la la la la la la ~" She happily hummed a tune and left with her small bag.

Oh, what a happy and happy day it is.

Ye Tian looked at the group of people with very ugly faces, and flipped through the professional books in her hand.

It's not ugly, is it?
It's still fun to do the puzzles, and she likes the process of solving them.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me on the bubble, or you can ask the teacher directly." Zhuo Xiangyu did not forget the task assigned to him by the teacher, and kidnapped the junior sister to join the teacher's school.

Reading to Ye Tian is the first step. It doesn't matter if you are not very interested in mathematics now. If you encounter a problem, you will be interested in it all at once.

Feel the beauty and wonder of writing.

"Yeah, okay, senior brother has worked hard! When another senior brother comes tomorrow, shall I invite you to dinner?"

"Hey, let's have dinner together at that time. The second female lead will arrive tomorrow, so let's have a meal together, but it's still the same rule, you can't drink alcohol!" The director said to those who hadn't left yet. A message was sent inside.

The crew has been very harmonious during the filming for such a long time, even Xu Chu was in the crew during this time.

After the director finished speaking in the group, everyone started discussing where to go for dinner.

Tao Tongtong: If the director spends money, should we eat the most expensive one?

Ding Gui: I think so.

The others also expressed their agreement. At this moment, Ye Tian poked the director's profile picture and opened a private chat.

(End of this chapter)

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