Chapter 638 No Title
She still only has one assistant by her side. In Wang Qing's words, one assistant is enough, and it is better to store the extra money there than anything else.

Of course, it's also because Wang Qing's personnel really don't have many things. She can do many things by herself, and an assistant is enough.

"Come, come, everyone, let's get to know our number two female lead, Wang Qing!" The director took Wang Qing to let everyone get to know each other.

Everyone also told Wang Qing their names.

Wang Qing greeted everyone friendly, "Hello everyone."

She was full of curiosity about the crew and looked around.

Looking at the equipment in the library, there is some excitement that is eager to try.

"I didn't arrange any scenes for you today. All you have to do is to watch the specific shooting process in the crew. From tomorrow, when there are dramas, you need to come to the crew two hours in advance to participate in the reading meeting. When there are no dramas, you can choose where to go." To the crew." After the director took Wang Qing to meet the actors present, the crew took Wang Qing to her lounge.

The rest room was used by the second female lead before, and Wang Qing didn't have any big requirements for these, she just asked her assistant to look at the clothes.

"There should be a serial number on the clothes, don't worry, we have washed them all yesterday, and they are all clean now." Seeing that Wang Qing cares about the clothes, the field manager explained.

In terms of these small details, the program team naturally did a good job. As the main actor, this kind of treatment is still available.

Wang Qing nodded with satisfaction: "In the crew, if you need anything, you can ask the assistant to come to me. If it can be done, I will try my best to meet your request."

"If you need to ask for leave, you have to tell the director about a month in advance." The stage manager continued.

After finishing speaking, Wang Qing nodded, and the assistant next to her also wrote down a lot of things.

Outside, filming has begun.

Wang Qing walked in, the director waved at her, and Wang Qing walked there lightly.


The director whispered in Wang Qing's ear.

The current plot is still in the library.

Because it is a school story, there are many plots in the library, and there are more plots in the later revised plots, but it is not always in the same place.

Just like now, although it is still in the library, it obviously looks like an interest group, and there are many professional books in it, all of which are related to mathematics.

Jiang Rui, played by Ye Tian, ​​and Si Le, played by Qi Ye, were sitting at the table, surrounded by crowds of onlookers.

"Who will win?"

"Si Le, right? Si Le is too strong. I got [-] points because I only got [-] points in the final exam paper. People who can say such things can't be worse than this Chinese major, right?"

"That's the problem. If the Chinese major can be transferred to our major, doesn't it mean that she is very strong?" It is still difficult to cross between arts and sciences.

"You're right, but did these two people know each other before?"

"You don't know about that. Did you know last semester? Brother Si is still the last one in our department, and this one is also the last one."

"Are they all bosses?"



"Okay, card."

After a group of people finished their lines, the director yelled to end.

"I'll add another one later." After the director finished speaking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Qing sat by and watched for a long time, the director said to her: "Have you seen the position of the camera?"

(End of this chapter)

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