Chapter 646 Don't Be Bald
"whats the matter?"

Wang Qing was sitting on the sofa, eating the fruit from Ye Tian's side with a curious look on her face.

"It's because something was put in the clothes..." Ye Tian told Wang Qing what Luo Yue said before.

Wang Qing was surprised when she heard that, the apple in her mouth would not smell good anymore.

"Then I did the right thing? I still have to be more careful in the crew?" She just felt that wearing her own clothes would be much more comfortable, and she changed into herself only after asking about the scene management and after being confirmed by the teachers in the costume and props group. of clothes.

"It's not always like that, but there is nothing wrong with being careful. The general crew and modern dramas will borrow some more expensive dresses, which can be regarded as endorsements. The ordinary clothes are the actors' own. Of course, if you don't want to use your own clothes, the crew They can also be provided, but apart from the more expensive ones, there are generally more one-off ones." Ye Tian and Wang Qing said.

Of course, that is the main actor has this treatment.

For group performances, the clothes are all borrowed. After all, there are so many people, it is impossible to customize them one by one.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back to rest, and you can rest too!"

Wang Qing walked around here and was a little tired. She has a resting place over there, so she's not here either. Huo Yetian.

Ye Tian nodded, she had to rest at noon, otherwise she would not be able to complete the afternoon and evening shooting.

Tonight's filming is cancelled, and the crew welcomes new bosses and new actors.

The director has learned the lesson from last time, this time when everyone eats together, there is no alcohol, and everyone drinks.

Ye Tian and others sat at the table, joined by Wang Qing and two senior brothers.

The two of them are not very old, and they went straight to the Ph. D., and they both entered the university through the mathematics competition in the second year of high school.

Ye Tian offered drinks to the two senior brothers.

Another brother is also very interesting.

"Ye Tian, ​​if you come to our sect, you will definitely rely on your own strength to improve the appearance of our sect!"

"Am I ugly or are you ugly? Now it's just the two of us at the teacher's side." Zhuo Xiangyu couldn't help asking.

After Tang Jing heard this, he took a careful look at him: "Of course you are ugly, and there are a few other seniors who don't have much hair."

Now the two of them are still under the teacher's hands. When the master's school got together, there were three senior brothers, but the senior brothers are already able to support the sky independently. The only bad thing is that they are a little bald. After all This is the power of knowledge.

After Ye Tian heard this, she couldn't help touching her thick black hair, and shook her head hard.

One more reason not to study mathematics, don't become bald!

"You have so much hair, you won't go bald."

Tang Jing looked at Ye Tian holding her head, and talked to her in an analytical tone.

Ye Tian shook her head hard.

"You'd better eat more, shut up." Zhuo Xiangyu picked up a large piece of pork belly for him, "Can such a large piece block your mouth?"

The good little junior sister is about to be said to be gone by him.

Can you talk about this bald thing?
Besides, isn't this something that will happen in the future?The hair of the two of them is not... just okay?

Ye Tian was always wary of the two people sitting next to her.

Now she thinks they're just eating her hair.

After finishing the meal, he quickly said: "Brother, the current hair transplant technique is quite good. If you are not satisfied with your hair, you can try it."

(End of this chapter)

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