Chapter 665 Surprise
Tomorrow is his lunar birthday, but Ye Tian did not give out a small gift the night before his birthday as usual.

He doesn't like those gifts, he just enjoys the feeling of being remembered.

"During this time, there are indeed too many things." After a period of running-in, the crew is on the right track again. In order to speed up, the director shoots more and more every day.

As the male and female protagonists, the two of them had a lot of roles, especially Ye Tian. The director canceled the one-hour study time in the morning and used it to film the heroine's scenes.

After all, Ye Tian already knows a lot, and the production team really has to catch up.

Some time ago, due to the revision of the script, the actors learned some things, which caused the progress of the crew to be very slow.

Now that everyone is familiar with it, it is natural to speed up.

Ye Tian has been on a roll during this time, not only to prepare for shooting, but also to prepare a small surprise for Qi Ye during the break.

It can be said that after returning home every day, I fell asleep.

As Qi Ye thought about it, he comforted himself in his heart.

Ye Tian, ​​it's just that I'm too tired, I forgot today, but I won't forget tomorrow.

Thinking about it this way, his mood really became a lot more comfortable. He lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, what Qi Ye expected didn't happen, and Ye Tian walked into the crew as if she had forgotten about it.

Qi Ye found that there was something wrong with the people in today's film crew.

Everyone seems to be hiding something from him? ?

Ye Tian, ​​who hadn't chatted with Qi Ye all morning, found Qi Ye at noon: "Let's go have lunch!"

Qi Ye saw that she didn't say much, but she seemed to have guessed something.

He nodded, a smile slowly appeared in his eyes, and at the same time he was a little nervous.

Ye Tian was also very nervous, he found Qi Ye looking at her.

"Let's go to another canteen. I heard that the food there is delicious. I want to try it." The canteen used by the crew is the closest to the shooting location, and it is not very fixed. Where the crew is filming, the canteen will be there. place.

Anyway, all the chef needs to do is move it around.

The place Ye Tian and the others are going to set up is a small cafeteria that they have never eaten before, and it is big enough to accommodate the main members of the current crew.

In order to hide it from Qi Ye, the director arranged a fake scene in the afternoon. The other actors knew that there would be no filming in the afternoon and everyone had a holiday, but they just kept it from Qi Ye.

Ye Tian led Qi Ye to the door.

There seemed to be no one in the cafeteria, it was quiet.

After walking in, someone suddenly shouted: "Teacher Qi, happy birthday!"

Qi Ye's forward steps suddenly faltered.

With two bangs, the paper flower sprayed out from the long cylinder next to it and landed on Qi Ye's body.

Qi Ye looked around and saw that the entire crew was there, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

Ye Tian stood by and said to him, "Mr. Qi, happy birthday."

Qi Ye turned to look at Ye Tian, ​​but didn't speak.

For so many years, no one would celebrate his birthday.

How can others remember the days that parents and family members don't remember.

Only after being with Ye Tian, ​​there is someone in the world who can remember his birthday and celebrate with him.

After his debut, although more strangers knew about his birthday and celebrated for him, there was still only one person by his side.

But now...

(End of this chapter)

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