Chapter 668 Director's Gift

"Guess? You guessed right, is there any reward?" Qi Ye took her hand, and the two sat in front of a pile of presents.

All the main creators of the crew have given gifts.

The director, the assistant director, the various actors, and the staff of the crew, etc., add up to a lot of people.

Today's presents can be said to be more than the sum of all the birthday presents Qi Ye has received over the years.

"Your gift, you need to open it yourself!" Ye Tian thought that Qi Ye wanted to ask her to help open the gift, so she refused directly.

These are everyone's intentions and have been prepared for a long time.

I believe it can make Qi Ye like it.

"Then you, watch me open it." Qi Ye was also full of curiosity about these gifts.

When he opened the present, his face was full of solemnity.

Ye Tian, ​​like Qi Ye, was guessing who sent those things.

Most of the people in the crew are freshly graduated students, and they don't have much money. Even with the salary this time, as a star, there are still a lot of places to spend money.

After getting the salary, there are really very few that can stay in the end.

You can tell by looking at those gifts.

These are not too expensive, but very thoughtful things.

"These things, let's put them home later?" Ye Tian suggested looking at Qi Ye's smiling face.

"Yeah." Qi Ye nodded in agreement.

Every year, Ye Tian gave him a gift, and he also specially found a room to visit.

Of course, most of the things Ye Tian sent were usable, and he used them a lot on weekdays.

Everyone's gifts are similar, there is not much difference, they are all small gadgets.

Of course, Qi Ye hadn't finished dismantling it yet.

"Which is the biggest thing you gave me?" Qi Ye frowned, none of the ones he saw before seemed like a gift from Ye Tian.

"No, that should have been given by the director. The director was so secretive that he didn't tell me what he gave." Ye Tian was also curious about the biggest box.

After the director knew that he was going to give Qi Ye a gift, he began to prepare this.

Seeing Ye Tian's curious look, Qi Ye picked up the big box.

There should be a lot of things in the box, because he can feel the weight inside when he picks it up.

Ye Tian looked over curiously, and used a knife to cut open the wrapping paper outside, and inside was a big box.

"Figure?" Ye Tian saw the characters inside, with curiosity in her eyes.

Qi Ye stretched out his hand and took out the contents: "This is the character in the play that the director collaborated with before, and this is me."

That movie was very popular back then. The director made some limited-edition figures at the beginning, and gave some to fans at the end. As the main actor, he didn't even get it.

It can be said that this set is the director's treasure, and now it is given to Qi Ye.

"It's so cute." Ye Tian looked at the figure and liked it very much.

At that time, she also participated in the lottery, but there were only more than 20 sets, and she was not drawn at all.

Later, the director came out and said that this set of figures did not have any face creators, and there were only so many. At that time, there was no money, and there were few productions. Although it is popular now, it does not intend to continue to do it.

Qi Ye took the figurine representing himself in his hand: "If you like it, how about putting it in your room?"

"Okay! When you go back, put it on!"

(End of this chapter)

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