Chapter 671 He's So Handsome

After the name Youth Boy was publicized, it was complained by countless people.

This is not much better than Starlight Girls. It is indeed a domestic characteristic. The names of various boy and girl groups are not good.

But everyone also said that they are very satisfied, at least they still have youth, which is much better than those terrible names that appeared before.

[I really love these hundred little brothers!Ahhh, it's amazing, where did you find these gods? 】

[The previous Starlight Girls were a group of beautiful sisters, but now this young boy is a group of handsome brothers. I am dead, the talent show is really good. 】

The birth of the talent show can be said to have broken some things in the entertainment industry to a certain extent.

Before, in any other place, everyone could not see so many celebrities on the same stage, but now everyone can see, and not only can see, but also observe their lives.

You can see what this group of people look like at other times except when they are facing their own work.

It can also be seen that some people were not favored at the beginning, and then came back against the wind. Of course, this comeback against the wind is due to the efforts of the players themselves.

This program format is fundamentally different from many previous talent shows.

At the very beginning, all the trainees were young, and whether they can stay on the stage at the beginning may not depend on how strong they are.

But after that, as the competition continued, the strength of the contestants continued to grow stronger. When they debuted, those who were still standing on the stage were the strongest part of everyone this time.

Although the audience will dispute a few of them, in general, the selected ones are very strong, and all the audience have witnessed their growth from scratch.

[I am really happy to be in the draft. Watching my favorite sister debut is the happiest moment for me. I hope this young boy will not disappoint everyone. 】

[Youth boy, Starlight Entertainment also has investment, I believe it should be as fair as Starlight Girl! 】

Starlight Girl has been well received by everyone until now, because Starlight Entertainment maintained absolute fairness during the draft.

All the data is transparent from the beginning to the end. Who spent how much money and how many votes were cast are all updated in real time. Even if fans have screenshots, there has never been an error.

There are too many shady scenes in various programs nowadays. A pure and unpretentious program like Starlight Girl has naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Now, many people see that Starlight Entertainment also participates in this show, and they immediately feel at ease in their hearts.

Of course, some people immediately compared the looks in the two programs.

[To be honest, this Luo Min's appearance is not bad at all compared to Ye Tian's. Luo Min is so handsome, he is the kind of handsome with a bit of evil spirit, that look, really kill me! 】

[If I want to say that Luo Min's handsome is more aggressive, my heart is pounding when I look at it, although Ye Tian is also beautiful and aggressive, but when she smiles, people only remember the word cute up! 】

Ye Tian didn't know about the discussion on the Internet, she was playing with Qi Ye in the amusement park right now.

Except for the haunted house, other places are available to play.

The first is the big Ferris wheel.

 The day of the college entrance examination! !If there are any friends in the college entrance examination among the readers, I wish you all the best in the exam! ! !

  If you don’t have a college entrance examination friend, then study hard~
(End of this chapter)

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