Chapter 678 Not Comparable At All

It's not like a boss-employee relationship.

"Where was your boss at the time?"

"The boss is standing, open the door for me... I didn't see too clearly, when I went in, I just watched him stand up from the chair."

Ye Tian looked at Qi Ye, and Qi Ye frowned, obviously sensitive to this matter.

She wanted to say that this probably wasn't the relationship between the boss and the subordinates, that Luo Min looked like the boss, but Qi Ye shook his head at her.

Ye Tian felt a little strange, Qi Ye paid too much attention to this person, why?
"what happened?"

"It's nothing, maybe what you said is true." After hearing what Qi Ye said, Ye Tian didn't say what she wanted to say.

"That's right." Wang Qing also nodded, the following scene is Wang Qing's scene, the director asked Wang Qing to go over and take a seat, Wang Qing took her own script, and after walking away, Ye Tian looked at Qi Ye instantly.

"Why do you care so much about that Luo Min?"

She leaned in and asked in a low voice. Although she was also concerned, it was obvious that Qi Ye was asking the questions just now.

It's an unusual thing to show so much concern to someone you've never met.

"I feel that his appearance is very strange." Qi Ye didn't say much, and closed his mouth after saying this.

"You also find it strange, and I also find it very strange. Such a person should not have nothing before."

Ye Tian has never been picked up before, that's because the Ye family has blocked it, no matter how the netizens do it, they can only have pictures of her in college, and no other wine can be found.

But this is what the Ye family can do, and because Ye Tian has been in a private aristocratic school since she was a child, and those who can study in it, although they have photos of Ye Tian's quota, they don't get Ye Tian's credit card. I dare not issue permission.

That's how Ye Tian's photo didn't spread, but the person in front of him was different.

"It's a bit strange. If there is any cooperation in the future, stay away from him." Qi Ye said solemnly, Ye Tian looked at him, and suddenly laughed.

"Teacher Qi, are you jealous?" Ye Tian made herself laugh after she finished speaking.

Qi Ye also smiled helplessly: "If I get jealous, will you make it up to me?"

Ye Tian shook her head like a rattle, "No, no, why are you jealous?"

After the two of them finished talking, Qi Ye stood up.

Now Ye Tian is sitting here alone, if he continues to sit, there may be some unnecessary voices.

The crew had already discovered this. Qi Ye never sat alone with Ye Tian or Wang Qing. Even if they ate together at the beginning, there were two assistants sitting beside them.

More so after that.

"Ms. Qi must have been afraid of the previous scandal, and I don't know what's wrong with those marketing accounts. I actually think that Mr. Qi and Shifei have had such a period."

"That's right, even if Qi Ye and Ye Tian are sitting together, they are still far apart, unless they are having a dinner together."

"Isn't this just to prevent the Anxie marketing account from catching rumors?"

"However, it can still be seen that Qi Ye has a good relationship with the people in Hexagram, talking and laughing with Ye Tian and the others."

"No, I completely changed my view of Qi Ye after filming this drama!"

"That Luo Min on the Internet is now being compared with Qi Ye. If you ask me, he really can't compare at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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