Chapter 68 Take Care of Yourself

"It's CP." After Ye Tian finished speaking, she rolled over from under his hand and got out.

Before Qi Ye realized what CP was, she walked to the door and said, "I'm going to eat~bye." After speaking, she quickly opened the door, walked out, and closed the door.

CP?It seems to mean a pair...a pair...

pair! ! !
with who?An Yunle?

For a moment, he wanted to vomit a little, and vowed that he didn't want to see An Yunle's face.

What the hell?

Qi Ye sat on the sofa and fell into deep thought for a long time.

After Ye Tian ran out, she straightened her messy hair and patted her chest.


Dodged a bullet!
She quickly 'fleeed' from the scene and went to the first floor, ready to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

All the practice rooms are on the first floor, and the cafeteria is opposite to the practice room. Between the cafeteria and the practice room on the first floor is the entry hall and a large fitness area.

The director's office is next to the practice room of class one, and now Ye Tian has to go through all the practice rooms to eat.

There was no one in class A, so Ye Tian walked to class C, intending to see if Wang Qing was there.

As soon as I walked in, I was shocked by the situation inside.

There are 21 people in Class C, and there are still [-] people in it, that is to say, almost all of them have not left.

Wang Qing was tired from practicing, she looked up and saw that everyone hadn't left, so she followed suit.

After seeing Ye Tian coming, he walked to Ye Tian's side: "Tiantian, I want to practice for a while."

"The time in the evening is used for practice, let's eat first!" Ye Tian looked at the group of girls and was suddenly moved for some reason.

Most of those who came here have dreams. Although they are temporarily behind, no one wants to lose.

Nobody wants to be a loser.

"However, I haven't remembered the movements, nor the song." She scratched her hair, with some frustration in her eyes.

Her foundation is not good, but she wants to stay and debut.

Ye Tian smiled slightly: "We still have three months left, do you think you'll be exhausted right now? If you don't eat dinner, how can you face a night of practice?"

There was such a trainee in her previous life, she worked so hard that she even forgot to eat, which caused her hypoglycemia and anemia.

Afterwards, this girl went wrong during the performance. She passed out while dancing, knocked her head, and bled all over the floor, which shocked everyone.

Ye Tian had a deep impression on that scene. Everyone was scared to death at that time. No one trained that night, so they all ate their meals and went back to their room to rest.

"What can you practice during the ten minutes you eat? You just need to sleep less than ten minutes at night!" Ye Tian said this sentence very loudly, just for everyone to hear.

"If you don't eat, you can't move because you're so hungry, how can your efficiency be improved?"

Wang Qing pondered for a moment, then nodded: "I'm so hungry!"

It was only the first day of the competition, and everyone realized its cruelty.

Ye Tian pulled Wang Qing outside, and many people in Class C also stopped, looked at each other, and followed them out.

"I feel that I am really stupid and can't learn anything." For the first time, Wang Qing felt that the gap between people was so big.

"It's okay, think about your favorite braised pork." Ye Tian pointed to the meat placed in front of her aunt, and said to Wang Qing.

Wang Qing's eyes lit up in an instant, and when she walked over, her aunt gave her a few yuan, and Wang Qing's tears welled up: "Auntie, bring more."

"No, the higher-ups have ordered that you girls with this brand can't eat more of the dishes I have here. You can buy them over there." The auntie said, pointing them in the direction.

Wang Qing followed her aunt's finger to look over, and her face turned green in an instant.

 When everyone is working hard for their dreams, they should also take care of their bodies!come on!
  Today it shows that the daily push has reached [-], and a new chapter will be added tomorrow.

  Thank you for your support~ I love you all!
(End of this chapter)

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