Chapter 680 Is there a grievance?
Qi Ye's shooting condition in the afternoon was not very good, but this was only relative to him, the actors couldn't tell what Qi Ye's condition was like at all.

Except Ye Tian.

Ye Tian clearly felt that Qi Ye was sometimes completely out of state when playing with her.

It can be said that I acted safely relying on instinct. The director didn't see anything, but Ye Tian could tell that something was wrong.

The two of them each had a scene at night. After the filming was over, the production crew called it a day. Qi Ye went back first. After Ye Tian finished filming, he also rushed home in his own car.

After returning home, Qi Ye had finished washing, and was handling things in the room with his computer in his arms.

Luo Min's matter has been explained to the assistant to investigate, and Ye Ming will wait for the next meeting to talk about other things.

Qi Ye didn't know if his investigation would startle the snake, but if he went to investigate, he would not feel at ease after all.

After Ye Tian returned home, she simply ate something, washed up, took the milk prepared by the housekeeper, and knocked on Qi Ye's door.

Qi Ye put down the computer in his hand, opened the door, and saw Ye Tian who was drinking milk.

Ye Tian stuck out her tongue and licked it around her mouth: "Come in." Since coming here, Ye Tian has never entered Qi Ye's room.

After all, the two of them usually do their activities in the living room. They were too tired to go home at night, so they went back to sleep. In the morning, Qi Ye would go to Ye Tian's room to wake her up.


Ye Tian walked in, walked to the sofa next to the window, sat down, and hugged the pillow.

"I suspect that the person who attacked the company before had something to do with that Luo Min, so I went to investigate him."

Ye Tian didn't understand this. After hearing this, she frowned: "It was during the time when you were busy that someone was against you, and it was him?"

The Qi family is like a giant in the field they are in. Generally speaking, a small company will not get into trouble. For a large company, everyone cooperates with each other and will not do those dirty things.

Is that Luo Min really that capable?

That time, Qi Ye seemed to have suffered a disadvantage. If he was really capable, why did he make his debut in the entertainment industry?Is it for a dream?

"Not sure, if he is the one Wang Qing said could make her boss stand below, and also invested in that young boy, then it would be him."

"Wait, if it's him, he used to grab things from you, and now he's in the entertainment industry, which means he's going to fight against you?" Ye Tian immediately thought of this: "Is there any grudge between you two?" ? Or, he is...Uncle Qi's..."

When Qi Ye's father was young, he had a lot of flirting outside, but no matter what, none of the women outside gave birth to children. This was one of the reasons why Qi Ye's grandfather let him fool around outside without worry.

Now a person appeared, who first competed with Qi Ye for territory, and then came to the entertainment industry, as if he wanted to fight Qi Ye.

"What are you thinking?" Qi Ye was also seriously thinking about the reason, but after hearing Ye Tian's words, he laughed: "From the day he was going out to mess around, he was destined not to If there is another son, my grandfather would never allow illegitimate children to appear."

However, the other party has grievances with him?
(End of this chapter)

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