Chapter 693 Because I Have Someone I Like

"However, because the director said it was because the fish were too small to catch before, but now the fish in the fish pond have grown a lot, so we can do it."

"Teacher Qi, come, bring your equipment!" The other resident guests of the program group had already put on their fishing equipment.

Qi Ye looked at it and was a little dazed. He had never done anything like catching fish, but it was still a fresh experience. He had fished before, but he didn't particularly like it.

If you catch fish...

"Mr. Zhou, let's go?" The resident host is called Zhou Min, an actor who has achieved a lot in the industry. Now he basically doesn't do much filming. He just plays variety shows. Such a slow life Basically he still has investment in variety shows.

"Okay, let's go!" He himself looked very young, and the years didn't seem to have left any traces on his body.

When Qi Ye made his debut, he had worked with this senior.

In the movie at that time, the old man made a guest appearance in the movie.

The other party has a very good temper, and after coming here, he treats everyone very well.

"I didn't expect that your first variety show will come to us. How is it, how does it feel?" In the circle, Qi Ye's age is considered middle-aged, not too old, after all, there are seventeen or eighteen years old. There are a large number of idol idols, and there are more middle-aged people in their 40s and [-]s who are older.

But Zhou Min never treated Qi Ye as a junior.

"This is not the first one, the first one is the one before."

"The first one you participated in personally, the previous one doesn't count, it doesn't count." Everyone knew that Qi Ye participated in it for the Starlight Girl trainees who haven't debuted yet.

"It feels pretty good. Living here is very comfortable, and everything has slowed down." Of course, Qi Ye didn't say a word. The premise of being comfortable is that Ye Tian is also there.

Otherwise, in such a place, one or two days is fine, but if the time is too long, it will be uncomfortable.

"Really, are you resting during this period, or are you still working?" Everyone knows that Qi Ye has work in the second half of the year, and the schedule for the first half of the year has not been announced. Most people think that he is resting. However, Zhou Min in the circle With a high status, he probably knew that Qi Ye was in the crew.

"Work, very happy work."

"On the set?"

"Yes." Qi Ye laughed as he spoke, as if he had thought of something happy.

Several young resident guests next to him were amazed.

"I laughed the first time I saw someone say work!"

"When I was filming, I was exhausted every day, and then it was like I didn't want to go to the crew anymore, and then I got up early the next day to prepare." The young boy continued.

Zhou Min beside him couldn't help laughing.

"You are still young and don't know how to enjoy life."

"Work is when you're doing it, you feel impatient or not so willing, but once you stop, you're crazy about what I'm going to do."

"I've been doing it all these years, and I'm not used to doing anything when I'm free all of a sudden."

After Zhou Min finished speaking, everyone around nodded.

But Qi Ye knew that he was happy not because he liked working.

It's because there are people I like in the place of work.

(End of this chapter)

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