Chapter 696 Try it!

Ye Tian eats quickly, but because of her childhood education, she also eats gracefully.

While it was pleasing to the eye, it was also surprising that she finished eating the noodles in just a short time.

"I'm going to wash the bowl." Ye Tian drank the soup in the bowl, then took the bowl to wash it, stood in the yard and looked outside.

"Does that large field outside belong to us?" This is a place with a relatively high terrain. If you live here, you can see the fields outside and the mountains not far away.

Some of the fields below have been planted with a lot of things, while others are empty, waiting for people to plant them later.

"Yes, it's all our territory, and for a long time to come, we'll have to live on those things!" Ye Tian knew that during the filming here, the guests were not here all the time.

Under normal circumstances, I only come here to shoot three or four days a week, or even one week a month.

Anyway, as long as it is guaranteed to be broadcast enough.

During the time when the guests were away, the farmland and other things here were all taken care of by the program team.

All of this, the audience knows, watching variety shows, just enjoy watching it.

"Miss Mi, can I do something? I'm here." Ye Tian walked around and sat on the stool.

"Yes, yes, have you seen the bamboo strips over there? We are going to weave baskets, which can be exchanged for food after weaving." In fact, there are other more tiring tasks, but because Ye Tian is Girl, so Teacher Mi chose this for her.

Ye Tian looked along Teacher Mi's hand, some very thin bamboo strips had been placed there.

"Weaving baskets, I've never played before."

"It's okay, I have a video here, you can follow along." After speaking, Teacher Mi took out a mobile phone and started the implantation.

Ye Tian was also very cooperative, picked up the bamboo stick next to her, and followed the video to learn.

Her learning ability has always been very strong, and the bamboo strips have been handled well by the program team, so there will be no injuries to her hands.

The speed was not fast when she first watched the video, but after getting proficient, she hummed softly while doing her hands, and quickly finished one.

"Miss Mi, isn't this a bit small?" Ye Tian looked at the basket in her hand.

I thought to myself, what can the gadget hold?
"You finished it so quickly?" Teacher Mi had already started cooking in the kitchen, and when she saw the basket Ye Tian picked up, she looked serious.

If you say it is simple, it is very simple, or if you say it is complicated, it is really complicated, it depends on the person.

Ordinary people need a long time to learn something. After learning, because it is the first time to do it, they will make mistakes and have to start over many times.

From the start of the recording of the program group to the present, many guests have also come. They have completely compiled a basket, and there are not many from the beginning to the end.

After all, learning by watching videos is not taught by a teacher, and they are all stars, and they have never been exposed to these.

"Yeah, I think such a small basket can be used to grow cacti or something." Because it was the first time I made it, I didn't use some bamboo strips, so the first basket was very small.

"Okay, we have cacti and succulents over there. If you know how to grow them, try it!" This program does not limit what stars can do.

(End of this chapter)

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