Chapter 705 I Teach You

"Eat more if you like it." Teacher Zhou put the dessert in front of Ye Tian.

The others were all men, and they didn't eat much dessert. Ye Tian ate a lot contentedly. After a meal, she rubbed her stomach.


It seems that I have eaten too much, so I should exercise in the afternoon!
"Shall we go get honey later?" After helping to wash the dishes in the kitchen, Ye Tian lay on the stand, looked at the flower fields below, and licked her lips.

She still prefers to eat honey, which is always kept at home, and the water should be sweet.

"I'll go later. In the afternoon, the bees are all out. It's best for us to go." Teacher Zhou said beside him.

"If you are tired, you can take a rest at noon, and I will wake you up when we are going later."

Ye Tian shook her head, she finally came out to play, how could she rest?
She moved the unfinished bamboo strips to her side, found out what the director team had given her, and started to learn how to weave baskets again.

After Qi Ye finished eating, he sat there without moving, watching Ye Tian scurrying around with satisfaction on his face.

Ye Tian was like this. She was raised by her family proudly since she was a child, so her personality is just like this.

Be happy and be fearless.

"Does Teacher Qi want to learn?" Asked once in the morning, Ye Tian saw that Qi Ye was always looking at her, and asked again.

Qi Ye nodded, picked up the bamboo stick next to him: "How do I do it?"

Ye Tian put down the big basket in her hand, and picked up a bamboo stick again: "Let's start from scratch!"

"Look at me, first inlay the bamboo strips like this, and make a base..." The two got very close, their heads almost touching each other.

"Mr. Mi, look how cute!" Zhou Min picked up the small basket of succulents on the table and said to Teacher Mi.

Teacher Mi also nodded with a smile after seeing it: "It's pretty good, make a few more, and then we'll have a big meal with the director team!"

"Let's learn too."

"Fly, come, learn from my sister!"

A few of them have actually learned it, but they are not very patient, and everyone's goals are too big at the beginning, so they didn't get any of them done well, and finally lost interest.

According to Ye Tian's method, it's different. It doesn't take long to be a small one, and it can give people a sense of accomplishment.

Let everyone feel that this is not so difficult, and after seeing the finished product, let people know what it will look like after the big one is made, and they will have a better understanding of their own progress.

"I'm not going to do it. I'm going to rest for a while. It's a beautiful day, just suitable for taking a nap." Teacher Mi is a person who takes a nap every day. Seeing a few people playing by themselves, he got up and went back to rest.

Ye Tian carefully taught a few people.

Qi Ye knew it as soon as he saw it, and the first one did the same as Ye Tian's weaving, making it look good.

Teacher Zhou was slower, but he did a good job. Xiaofei seemed to be born not suitable for this kind of manual work. The things he made were somewhat different, but in general, they were still a basket.

"That's great, director, come over and discuss, what can our little basket be exchanged for?"

When the director heard Zhou Min's voice, he immediately walked over, and after seeing something, he shook his head indifferently: "I can't change anything."

"This basket is too small." After finishing speaking, he pointed to the side: "It needs to be this big."

(End of this chapter)

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