Chapter 709

Twinkle twinkle glitter: waiting for you.

Ye Tian: Hee hee [little fox hug.jpg]
Twinkle, twinkle, sparkle: [little fox touching head.jpg]
Ye Tian looked at her note to Qi Ye, holding the phone and laughing non-stop.

Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle: Tomorrow we will return to Zhucheng on the same flight.

Ye Tian: OK.

The two chatted for a while and then took a break.

Today is indeed very tiring, going up the mountain and going down the water.

Early the next morning, Ye Tian packed her luggage and received a small basket and honey from Teacher Zhou Min.

"Come, come, come, one person, one at that time, brought the special products back." The honey made yesterday was put in a bottle and sealed.

Ye Tian and Qi Ye packed the bottles, put them in the suitcase, and were sent out by the car sent by the program team.

"Just go to the airport directly!" After Ye Tian and Qi Ye left the village, the program crew changed cars.

After all, the cars in the program group were not photographed, and it would be very troublesome to drive out.

That car was purely for promotional use, just to show the car.

If you want to go to the airport, you must change to a car with a camera, otherwise you may be stopped by the traffic police on the road.

"Are you both going?"

"Yes, our time is about the same, and now is the right time to go to the airport."

Ye Tian did not say that they are the same plane.


After the driver finished speaking, he didn't continue talking, and Ye Tian and Qi Ye leaned back to rest.

Along the way, the two of them didn't have much communication, after all, they were in a public place with people.

After returning, Ye Tian's car will come and both of them will take them home.

"Take a day off today and continue shooting tomorrow."

"My filming will end in a while, and I will go to another crew in a while." Qi Ye also looked at his future schedule.

At first it was only three months.

It has been two months since January 20th, and his time in the crew is running out.

Ye Tiandian nodded: "There is still one month left."

"Reluctant to part with me?" Qi Ye looked at her hugging his waist and asked with a chuckle.

"Of course I can't bear it, I want to be with you every day." Ye Tian said with a smile, after experiencing the separation, she really didn't want to be separated.

Especially the two of them are very happy together during this time.

"Come visit me if you're free." Qi Ye rubbed Ye Tian's hair: "Are you sleepy now? If not, can we discuss the script?"

During the first three months, they all focused on shooting parts related to Qi Ye. In one day, there might be only one or two that were not from Qi Ye.

The director felt that it would be too tiring if they were to shoot together, so they were for Qi Ye to rest.

"Okay." Ye Tiandian nodded, holding the script on the table.

"Let's go out, right? The cherry blossoms outside are already in bloom." It's March now, and the cherry blossoms outside are blooming very beautifully.

A piece of pink petals fell to the ground, laying a pink carpet.

"Okay." Ye Tiandian nodded, took the script and went out.

Now Qi Ye's scenes in the campus are almost finished shooting, and the next step is to shoot some scenes outside in the mansion.

All the next month.

The crew rented a villa, but it was still some distance from their home and did not belong to the same community.

"It's started!" Ye Tian took a sip of water from the water glass and entered the role.

(End of this chapter)

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