Chapter 715 Who is it?

Many people in Ye Tian's Chaochao are discussing Ye Tian's appearance on variety shows.

This is also Ye Tian's first variety show, the previous variety show in Starlight Girls was subconsciously excluded by everyone.

[This program is still very friendly to newcomers, it is very suitable for Tiantian, and nothing bad should happen. 】

[I am a loyal viewer of this variety show, and ordinary people will not have anything to do unless it is really too much. 】

Anyone who goes to such a show can be scolded, firstly because he said something bad, and secondly because what he did really made everyone unbearable.

Otherwise, most people can get a lot of fans, most of Ye Tian's fans have watched that variety show.

The three resident hosts in the variety show treat others very well. Ye Tian has never worked with those people before, but because of Qi Ye's presence, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.

The fans are looking forward to it.

On Ye Tian's side, after parting with Qi Ye, she continued to shoot.

The promotion of the crew is still going on.

On the Internet, there are many people who pay attention to this drama.

Because of the operation of the crew, a math problem will be released every day.

On the second day, the answers written by the main characters were sent out.

[I just like this pure and unpretentious crew. I can't understand any of the questions here, so there is no other problem]

Many people paid attention to the crew, and by the way guessed what it was about through the name of the play.

There are also fans of Wang Qing who have been announced are also very active below.

[Hahahaha, we Qingqing don't need to do these questions, I know she plays a Chinese student in the drama hahahaha. 】

[Want to know that these are all written by the brothers and sisters of the crew?Is it too strong? 】

Of course, some people are saying that the show crew is just putting on a show, isn't it just asking the actors to copy the answers?Can this be brought out?

On the day Ye Tian's filming ended, the crew sent out the news that the heroine had finished filming.

Before the male lead was finished, the crew also gave the male lead a back view. Now that the female lead is finished, the crew gave the heroine a back view, and then gave a decryption time.

[The heroine's back looks so good! 】

[Ah, this young lady has a good figure and long legs. If the heroine looks good, I can do this show! 】

Many idol dramas today have not grasped the essence of idol dramas.

What do idol dramas need?
Of course it is the perfect face value!
The heroine and the heroine have online looks, and they are pure and natural, and they look very comfortable, just like the so-and-so princess who became popular back then. If you want to say how good the plot is, it may not be so, right?
Why can fire?
Isn't it because the male and female protagonists, including all the supporting roles, have good looks?And even if it is an idol drama, people spend a lot of money to shoot it, not the kind of plastic scenes and funny plots.

Their show definitely has all the factors that make it popular.

All the characters have good looks, even if they are extras, the director tried his best to choose those whose appearance is above the average.

The whole shooting process is based on real scenes, and there are no loopholes in various plots. It can be said that no matter what you like, you can be satisfied.

[The previous hero hasn't been guessed yet! 】

(End of this chapter)

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