Chapter 729 I want to eat chicken wings

"Let your agent talk to that side, as we said at the beginning, this time is free, don't you know, your agent doesn't know?" Ai Jia didn't have a good face towards Shi Fei.

Shi Fei's recent resources seem to be getting better and better.

This operation made everyone feel incredible.

At first, everyone thought that Shi Fei's access to those resources would lead to a decline in her own commercial value, but unexpectedly, not only did it not decrease, but her recent resources seemed to be getting better and better.

This confuses everyone.

"This..." Shi Fei's face turned pale in an instant, and Ai Jia walked away without giving her a chance to explain.

She was still a little scared, after all, she had been tricked before, what if Shi Fei said something that could affect her again, what would she do?
Therefore, after Ai Jia finished speaking, she left without giving Shi Fei any chance.

She thinks that the so-called abilities of right and wrong should not be able to affect people through the screen, right?

Shi Fei sat on the sofa with an innocent face.


"What are we going to eat tonight? Should we cook it ourselves?" Wang Qing has been very interested in cooking recently.

After the filming ended, she didn't have much work anymore, just a simple album and then several variety shows.

The rest of the time is to get some delicious food at home.

"I've learned a lot of food recipes recently, and I'll make it for everyone when the time comes." Wang Qing is eager to try, and wants to share delicious food with her friends.

"Really?" Xing Ranran looked at Wang Qing.

"Yes, I learned how to make cakes and some snacks. I still have a lot of time today. Let's make it together?" After Wang Qing finished speaking, Ye Tianshu Ruxue and Wang Qing also expressed their interest.

"Let's join me too. Are we going to buy food later?" There is a cook in the villa, and everyone usually doesn't need to do it by themselves.

The time for practice doesn't seem to be too much, but you will be very tired after the practice, and the company will not let everyone cook by themselves.

"Well, if you guys want to go out, wait for the camera, the material of the group variety show is in there." To be honest, there is actually nothing good to shoot in the group variety show.

It's just the time when a few people get together, and then occasionally make some games for fans to see.


"Let's go to the supermarket we went to last time!" Last year and after cooking, everyone will also cook during the training camp, and they are still familiar with the supermarket.

"Do you want to eat chicken wings?" The six people still took two cars.

Ye Tian, ​​Wang Qing and Shu Ruxue were in the same car.

After getting in the car, Wang Qing asked Ye Tian.

Ye Tian likes to eat chicken wings, and so does Wang Qing.

All kinds of chicken wings, such as teriyaki, Orleans, fried chicken wings, grilled chicken wings, and Coca-Cola chicken wings, are their favorites.

"Eat!" Ye Tian nodded directly.

She never refuses anything like chicken wings.

Any flavor is fine. How can there be such delicious food as chicken wings in the world?
"I learned how to make cola chicken wings, and fried chicken wings are also available. Of course, we can try teriyaki chicken wings!" The eyes of both of them were shining.

"I want to eat Coca-Cola Chicken Wings most, followed by Fried Chicken Wings. I think Teriyaki Beef is also delicious." Ye Tian put forward her own suggestion.

"Then we still need to buy beef!"


(End of this chapter)

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