Chapter 739

Wang Qing didn't say much about the details of the shooting.

We haven't seen each other for a long time. Although we are in front of the camera, it is not impossible to chat.

"How is Ran Ran?" Wang Qing's topic brought up Xing Ranran's promotion.

In the past six months, Xing Ranran appeared the fewest.

She didn't know when the ancient drama she filmed would be delayed until it could be broadcast.

Moreover, the crew has not made any publicity so far, so it is not easy for everyone to ask.

"I'm studying in the company. Didn't the company hire a teacher, and I can go to the lectures when I have nothing to do on weekdays, and I benefit a lot." Xing Ranran said while processing the ingredients.

"Wow, your company still has such benefits? Is the class fun?"

"I can learn a lot of things, how do I act? I will take you with me next time?" Simply, everyone in Hexagram now has a contract with Starlight Entertainment, and they are considered half of Starlight Entertainment.

After hearing this, Wang Qing hesitated for a while: "No, no, if my boss knows, can't he hit me?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Hahahaha, then you can ask your boss to spend more money and invite some teachers to the company."

Many companies do have places to train trainees, but they are not as comprehensive as Starlight Entertainment.

From the very beginning, Starlight Entertainment's training is not just for artists who have not yet debuted.

Whether you are a top-tier student or a trainee, you can learn a lot in the company.

This is a benefit that many companies do not have.

Even the filming director nodded after hearing what a few people said: "This sentence will be cut in when the time comes, and it will be used as a promotion for our company."

"This Xing Ranran is indeed pretty good. Calm down. I heard that when she has no activities in the past six months, she has been studying in the company." The director is from Starlight Entertainment.

I am still very clear about some news in the company.

The other staff members who were staring at the camera next to the director also looked at Xing Ranran with admiration.

On the other side, Ye Tian was already sitting in front of the piano.

The score was typed out by Ye Tian and placed on the piano, her fingers randomly pressed a few times on the piano, and then her hands were placed on the keys.

The crisp sound of the piano sounded in the room.

Several people in the kitchen could naturally hear this song.

"The melody is quite nice."

"I just got the score, can she play it now?"

Ye Tian watched the score playing the whole time, and the first time it was still a little jerky.

After all, everyone went out to buy groceries before they had time to take a look at the sheet music.

This is Ye Tian's first time reading the score.

But, after the first time, what Ye Tian popped up was completely different.

Naturally, there are other musical instruments added to the arrangement of this song. As far as the sound of the piano is concerned, it is still a bit thin.

"It sounds better than before."

Ye Tian played it many times and stopped when she was a little tired.

In the kitchen, some aromas have gradually spread out.

Ye Tian licked the corner of her lips, stood up, and walked towards the kitchen.

The few people in the kitchen were also very happy to watch, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Shi Fei and the few people didn't seem to be able to play together.

She was doing things silently beside her, and she didn't say that she was going to help with the cooking. She looked busy, but she didn't actually produce anything.

"Is it ready?" Ye Tian probed inside.

(End of this chapter)

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