Chapter 745 Is this dependence?
【Ahhh, is Ye Tian really so good when she's drunk?I love it so much! 】

【Look at that dazed little eyes, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh】

【Little White Rabbit, ah Little White Rabbit, just like that, it was taken away by the big bad wolf. 】

[I'm so cute, Ye Tian, ​​I'm so cute! 】

[Qi Ye also acted well, ah, ah, I can't wait to wear Ye Tian, ​​isn't this too gentle? 】

[What kind of fairy CP is this, give it to me quickly!Let's take a look at the fairy! [picture.gif]]

[Ahhh, Ye Tian's little eyes really poke me too much, and her acting skills are too good, right? 】

"No one praised me, I was the assist of the night!" Wang Qing searched for a long time but couldn't find anyone who said she was.


"I want to send a message!"

After Xing Ranran finished speaking, he took a photo of the remaining cocktail.

[Six-pointed star-Xing Ranran V: It's a pity, some people don't drink [picture.jpg]]

Everyone has basically read the hot searches, and most of them know what Xing Ranran is talking about.

【You guys are so bad, do you still want to see Ye Tian in TV dramas? 】

【Ahhhhhhh, hurry up, feed her, we want to see it! 】

[Hey, is it true that Ye Tian is really so obedient when she's drunk? 】

[My God, please drink it! 】

After the crew saw this situation, they also released a tidbit from that time.

[You don't understand the world of a top student V: The front is so cold, it's not a drill! [video]】

In the video, Ye Tian is holding a wine bottle and drinking.

Standing beside Ye Tian's manager and three assistants.

【? ? ? 】

【? ? ? 】

[So, this is really not acting, is it really drunk? 】

[Ye Tian is too hardworking, too dedicated, right?Get drunk when you say drunk? 】

[My God, is it really drinking?Is Ye Tian really like that after drinking?After that, I have to watch her stop drinking! 】

[If you drink a little bit, it shouldn't be called like in the play. Didn't you see Ye Tian holding the bottle and drinking?And it's still liquor.It can only be said that Ye Tian is really a dedicated actor. 】

[Oh, it's not that the acting skills are not enough, I thought it was a real performance! 】

After the video was released, many people were amazed, but there were also people who had no acting skills in Suan Ye Tian. If they could perform, why would they drink alcohol?
[My God, Ye Tian is so obedient, I love it! 】

【So, Ye Tian's reaction after getting drunk is real?Anyone can trick her into kissing her away, or is it only Qi Ye? [Smile laugh]】

[WOC!This question is worth pondering. 】

[This...maybe I drank some alcohol, but I'm not particularly drunk, so I know what I'm going to do! 】

[The program team did a great job. For such a scene, Ye Tian's assistant and manager were called to the scene, so that Ye Tian's team can rest assured, I love it! 】

【Oh my god, I'm drunk again. If she's really drunk, it means that Ye Tian's subconscious is actually very dependent on Qi Ye?Looking obedient, do whatever you want! 】

[I'm done! 】

The following group of people are all the replies I got.

Ye Tian turned it off after reading it.

"By the way, I also paid attention to your CP Chaohua." Xing Ranran was also surfing the Internet, and naturally saw the news from the official blog of the TV series.

She whispered this in Ye Tian's ear.

When watching TV dramas at night, everyone didn’t bring a microphone, and as long as the voice wasn’t too loud, they wouldn’t be taken in.

(End of this chapter)

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