Chapter 755 We have nothing to talk about
"We have nothing to talk about, no need." Ye Tian directly refused, and the others had already been divided into groups.

The host organized everyone, and the stage became quiet again.

Ye Tian and Qi Ye are in a team of two.

"The next step is to extract clips. One person from each group will come out with his back facing the screen. After the big screen scrolls, whatever is drawn will be that." After the host finished speaking, everyone looked at the big screen.

"Next, let's see what kind of clips this is."

"It's possible to get the same clip!"

After the host finished speaking, the pressure on the other people on the stage immediately increased.

After all, it was Qi Ye who was standing in front, what if they got the same draw as Qi Ye and Ye Tian's group?
Anyone who watched that TV series also knows that although Ye Tian is a newcomer, her acting skills are really not bad.

At least I don't know how much better than these people standing on their stage.

Ye Tian and Qi Ye didn't feel anything, they wanted to know what they were going to perform tonight.

The large screen begins to scroll and play clips.

Because the theme has been determined to be the school flower school grass, all the fragments are related to the school flower school grass.

Due to the large number of young boys, not all of them participated in this performance, so only 4 of them were selected to participate. Including Ye Tian and Qi Ye, there are 5 groups in total.

But there are not only 5 clips in the back screen, but 10 candidate clips, each of which is a particularly classic plot in a movie or TV series, and the audience below expressed their expectations after seeing those plots.

"The difficulty of these plots is not small. The actors in it performed very well. Let's see the performance of our contestants on stage." After the host finished speaking, several other people also showed a little nervousness.

After all, many of those clips, not all of them, are classic clips.

The reason why a classic can become a classic is because it is attractive enough, and the acting skills are all 10 points in place.

It is impossible for these people on stage to perform without pressure.Those people just hoped that they would not choose the same clip as Qi Ye Yetian, at least not to be crushed by the people on stage.

"Which one do you like?" Ye Tian asked Qi Ye before going up to choose the clip.

"I like whatever you choose." When he said this, he naturally didn't turn off the microphone, and the audience below were all very excited when they heard it.

"My God, he is so good at teasing, this sentence really touched me, if it were me... No, my heart is beating right now."

"No, don't look at him who usually doesn't say a word, but on stage, he will flirt."

"I just think I'm Ye Tian standing there and hearing this sentence."

"Okay then." Ye Tian said and walked over, but the host next to him picked up the microphone and asked Ye Tian.

"Tiantian, which segment do you want to choose?"

After thinking for a while, Ye Tian replied: "The third segment, I like Mr. Qin's performance better, I have seen all his works."

"The third clip is the clip where two people break up. I thought you would choose the first clip or the tenth clip."

Ye Tian smiled embarrassedly when she heard it. : "That may be because we are too sweet in the play."

"Give everyone a change of taste."

(End of this chapter)

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