Chapter 760 How is the arrangement

Of course the fans were very unhappy, and some even planned to leave here.

A few of Ye Tian's fans also thought about what happened this afternoon.

"When Sister Xiaoyue came to see us this afternoon, she said that today's recording would not be too late. I thought it was the show crew's kindness."

"Isn't it too late to record? It was driven away halfway."

Entered the director's emergency and began to communicate with the audience below.After all, the fault of this matter is also the fault of the program group, and I did not expect some bad relationships.

After hearing the explanation of the program group, the fans below also accepted their statement.

Ye Tian's fans were a little dissatisfied with this.

Then it's enough to let the other people go, why did you ask Ye Tian and Qi Ye to go?
But when the director said that Ye Tian and Qi Ye voluntarily gave up on not participating in the last session, everyone had nothing to say.

The fans outside, because they are in the same group as the fans inside, naturally know the news.

Luo Yue also started talking to everyone.

Luo Luo Luo Luo: Because the TV series is currently on the air, and another artist was suspected of bundling hype some time ago, so I made such a decision in order to prevent the audience from misunderstanding and lower the ratings of the TV series.

Luo Luo Luo Luo: Everyone has been waiting hard.Come home early.

After seeing the explanation, the fans are first of all relieved that the team on their own artist side never binds the hype.

The second is dissatisfaction with another artist.

During this period of time, the other party has been pulling Ye Tian to stir up all the fans of Ye Tian, ​​especially the fact that these big fans know.

Everyone felt very upset, but the other party didn't say anything wrong with you.

It's just to express my love for Ye Tian.

If they hold on to it, other passers-by may think that they are delusional and that everyone else is harming them.

Fortunately, the team is still clear-headed.

The fans outside all left after hearing the news. Ye Tian's fans didn't forget to tell Qi Ye's fans that the two had already driven away.

Because there is more than one parking exit for the TV station.

Generally, if there are fans guarding, the artist will come out from the fans.

However, Ye Tian and Qi Ye went out from the other side because they were still recording inside.

But neither of them expected the reaction from the fans to be that big.

In the picture of eating, the two people made red eyes, saying that because the company had a filming task and needed to rush back tonight, Ye Tian had to get up early to start training on the second day, so I discussed with the program team not to participate in the last one. round recording.

The fans at the scene knew what was going on, but they didn't say anything under Xiaoyue's reminder. After all, this is not a good thing.

After Luo Min finished filming, he returned to his room and stood by the window to look out.

Of course he saw what Ye Tian and Qi Ye sent.

"Avoid me, do you think you can escape? My dear Ye Tian."

When he said the last few words, his eyes were full of tenderness and bone-eating emotions. If anyone was in front of his eyes, he might be swallowed up by him.

"You will be mine eventually." After saying this, he looked outside.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a person's number.

"How's the arrangement?"

(End of this chapter)

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