Chapter 768 What's so good about Starlight Entertainment?

After reading it, Ye Tian was speechless.

This has its own business?

Tian Tian wants to drink milk:? ? ?
Qingqing really wants to eat meat: Are you awake?Last night you rested too early and missed a good show.

Ye Tian was really tired last night.

I really didn't expect such a thing to appear on the Internet.

What is Shi Fei, is he shooting himself in the foot?

Ran Ran was calm: Fei left early this morning, and went out in a hurry, she must have gone to the company to discuss compensation.

After Xing Ranran finished speaking, she even changed her nickname.

Ran Ran was very happy: Tell me, how much money can she have left after losing money in two consecutive times?

Although it's only been a year since Hexagram's debut, he's really made a lot of money.

The previous albums, the subsequent concerts, the endorsement of the group, and the endorsement of each of them, plus no one has released their own album before, etc., etc.

In the one year since Wang Qing debuted, she not only bought a house for her parents at home, but also paid the down payment for the house in Yancheng.

Think about it according to the money you have earned this year, Shi Fei.

Shi Fei has received much more jobs than them, and she is also considered popular. Compared with them, the money in her hand should be only a lot more.

Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief: There should be nothing left. She has spent a huge amount of money on marketing this year.When she terminated the contract with the travel variety show before, it can be seen from the heartache on her face that she should have little money.

Ye Tian found out Ye Ming's phone number and was calling Ye Ming at the moment.

"I went to bed too early last night."

"It's better to go to bed early. The matter has been dealt with. Don't let those people affect your mood."

"Thank you brother." Ye Tian smiled.

Ye Ming also bowed his head and laughed: "If you need anything, tell your brother."

"Okay." The two said something else.

Ye Tian didn't say anything about Shi Fei, and neither did Ye Ming.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tian frowned.

During this period of time, Shi Fei didn't seem to be acting like a demon anymore. After entering the small villa, when everyone was practicing every day, Shi Fei didn't cause any unpleasant things because she didn't get along with everyone.

She didn't expect that such a big thing would happen as soon as she came up this time.

She squeezed the mobile phone in her hand, and she had some calculations in her mind.

On the other side, Shi Fei had already arrived at Starlight Entertainment with her manager.

The front desk of Starlight Entertainment had received the notice a long time ago, and when they saw Shi Fei and her manager, they didn't show much expression.

Shi Fei looks like that, compared with Ye Tian and Xing Ranran in the company, it is really far behind.

I don't know what the taste of the netizens is. Is it because I am used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, and it feels good to be vegetarian once in a while.

"Please wait a moment. Mr. Ye still has a meeting to hold. There are tea and coffee in the meeting room, please help yourself." After sending the two people to the meeting room, they left, leaving only Shi Fei and her Two brokers are sitting here.

"Feifei, Starlight Entertainment is really magnificent. When I came to sign your contract before, I didn't have this floor. Before I came to make up, it was another floor. Unlike our company, there is only one floor in total." Starlight Entertainment has its own separate company.

When Shi Fei heard what the manager said, she felt very noisy.

What's so good about Starlight Entertainment?Doesn't Xing Ranran also have no resources?
 I wrote half of this chapter yesterday, but I fell asleep after I was too sleepy QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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