Chapter 770 How much, how much?
The other party seemed to know how much money she had on her body, and squeezed out all the savings she still had, and proposed that Shi Fei would not be able to get any dividends from the sales of Hexagram's latest album.

This is too uncomfortable, which means that she has been working for nothing during this time.

Starlight Entertainment did not allow room for negotiation. If they do not agree to this negotiation, it will take so long for the court to meet.

The things that Shi Fei did in the contract signed at the beginning have already violated the content of the contract.

As a popular idol, Shi Fei knew that she would absolutely not be able to go to court. At that time, whether she won or lost, it would have a huge impact on her.

Moreover, if this lawsuit is brought down, the possibility of her winning is very small.

Several people were resting on the sofa. After seeing Shi Fei coming back, Wang Qing asked curiously, "How did the talk go?"

There was no Shi Fei in the morning, everyone had a good time, talking and laughing.

Sure enough, after the most hated person in the team left, the atmosphere in the whole practice room was different.

Everyone was still wondering what Starlight Entertainment would do to Shi Fei.

"It's okay, within the acceptable range." Shi Fei forced herself to pretend to be calm.

The knuckles of the fingers she pinched were a little white, but there was still a smile on her face.

When facing these people in the group, you must not be timid.

Otherwise, isn't it just being laughed at by them?

"That's good, as long as you can bear it, I thought what would happen to Starlight Entertainment, it seems to be very good."

"After all, our contract is still with Starlight Entertainment, and Starlight Entertainment still wants to rely on the six-pointed star to make money, so it won't do anything to Shi Fei!" Wang Qing who was beside her also added.

The smile on Shi Fei's face was really uglier than crying. She pulled a smile: "I've been negotiating all morning, and I'm a little tired. I'll go up and rest first."

A few people 'watched' her up, and Wang Qing below said gossip: "Can you two find out how much money you lost?" This sentence seemed to be addressed to Ye Tian and Xing Ranran .

But Ye Tian knew that what Wang Qing meant was to ask her how much Shi Fei had lost.

"I'll go ask."

"Sister Ai Jia and the others should know, just ask sweetly, I won't ask." Xing Ranran took a bite of an apple on the table and said.

Ye Tian was highly trained in the company, and Ye Tian's manager, Xu Ying, also had a high status in the company.

She is different, she will go to school next year, so the resources in the company will naturally not be arranged for her.

Although Ai Jia's status in the company seems to be quite high, but until now, Ai Jia has only her alone.

So Xing Ranran felt that Xu Ying could come out of the hall, but Ai Jia might not.

On Ye Tian's side, before Ye Tian asked, Ye Ming sent Ye Tian a message.

"I lost 900 million yuan, plus the share of our album sales this time."

Last year's sales were already very objective, and according to the content of the contract, the share they can get this year is much higher than last year.


"Does Shi Fei have that much money?"

"It should be, and I haven't heard about her buying a house, so there should be so much money on her?"

(End of this chapter)

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