Chapter 776 I will tell you later

When the two sat across from each other, Fei came here alone, and Xu Ying sat next to Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian didn't intend to say anything.

Anyway, the food was served, so Xu Ying ate and listened to the two of them talking.

What I have to say is that Xu Ying was also very curious about what Ye Tian said just now.
"I got something by chance when I was in college." Shi Fei spoke very slowly.

After saying this, Xu Ying looked at her.

"That thing has been helping me."

After Shi Fei finished speaking, she looked at Ye Tian, ​​and didn't intend to continue, as if she wanted to make a condition.

"I want you to help me enter Starlight Entertainment and give me some of your resources. In this way, I can share mine with you."

Shi Fei had already asked about the system before. Of course, sharing is impossible. After binding, the system only recognizes one host.

Shi Fei didn't really understand what the system was trying to do, but the recent system was getting more and more greedy.

It needs more and more likes, which makes people more and more unbearable.

Shi Fei's original favorite value has almost bottomed out.

"You haven't told me what it is."

"It's an auxiliary system..."

Shi Fei looked at Ye Tian while talking, what she said was very simple.

"The system can help me become better, such as improving my temperament and making me dance better..."

All of these are comparable to Shi Fei's performance before.

"Of course there is a price to be paid to get these, and that is to exchange something."

Xu Ying next to him opened his mouth wide when he heard this.

Is there really such a fantasy thing in the world?
"What in exchange?" Ye Tian grasped the key word immediately.

Shi Fei's ability has always been working for a while and not working for a while.

It's like the first half of her dance was perfect when she was rated for the first time. Even Ye Tian thought it was a very good dance.

But in the second half, a problem suddenly occurred.

Everyone thought it was caused by Shi Fei's unstable performance.

After all, the career is also like that when we contact each other.

But now that I think about it, this seems a bit out of place.

A truly capable person will never perform unstable.

But at the beginning, everyone didn't think too much. Even Ye Tian just felt that something was wrong. Now Shi Fei took the initiative to speak out...

"I can't tell you this now, unless you help me get the resources I want." Shi Fei is not sincere in helping Ye Tian now.

How could it be possible to expose his biggest trump card to Ye Tian?
Ye Tiandian nodded, and didn't think too much about it. If Shi Fei told her directly, she would suspect that Shi Fei had some other conspiracy.

"Before in Starlight Girl, every time your performance was unstable was because of a system problem?" Ye Tian asked this sentence, and Xu Ying, who was concentrating on eating, also looked over.

"Yes, the system has helped me a lot." But at the same time, Shi Fei's ability has indeed improved.

After Starlight Girl ended Hexagram and established it, Shi Fei herself was barely able to catch up with other people's progress.

But for others, it was too unfair for those who were pushed down by Shi Fei.

Now who still remembers the name of No.7?
"Is it just for you to sing and dance? Nothing else?" Ye Tian narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Of course not, but I'll tell you after you help me." After finishing speaking, Shi Fei took a sip of the water next to her.

Ye Tian also subconsciously picked up the cup to drink water, thinking about the authenticity of this sentence.

 It's almost over, writing is slow~~~

(End of this chapter)

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