Chapter 90 What are you doing?
After the shame was over, everyone stood up instantly.

"I'll go see her."

"She doesn't sing very well. I'll ask if I can help."

When Ye Tian heard this, she couldn't control the smile on her face, "Let's go together!"

"Well, let's go together!" Class A's dormitory was already next to each other. It has been two nights since they changed dormitories. Although everyone is not very familiar with each other, they have all talked to each other.

"Should we bring something over there? Isn't it good to go empty-handed?" Everyone was a little flustered, because they were embarrassed by their slightly selfish thoughts before, and they really felt that it was not quite right for them to just go so swaggeringly. good.

Shu Ruxue next to her seemed to be seriously considering this question, "Go to the cafeteria and steal two fruits to take?"

"Steal, it's not good to steal, right? Let's go get it, get two fruits?"

"Go to the vending machine and get two bottles of mineral water?"

The nine people looked at each other and shook their heads.

What kind of idea is this?

Might as well go empty-handed.

"Still, let's go like this?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Still so reliable!

Ye Tian suddenly thought of something, and her eyes brightened instantly.

"You guys go first! I'll go back to the room to get something!" After finishing speaking, she rattled up the stairs and quickly returned to the dormitory.

The eight people in the back looked at me and I looked at you. Only Shu Ruxue and Li Qian looked at each other with a clear expression on their faces.

Ye Tian returned to the dormitory, opened the curtain, then closed it, and took out two bottles of milk from the small drawer beside the bed.

After thinking about it, she wrapped it in a coat, then carefully opened the curtain and looked at the camera.

"You turn around."

The camera actually responded to her and turned to the other side. Waiting for her to come out from the curtain and stand on the ground, the camera turned back again.

Ye Tian made a face at the camera, then ran out with her clothes in her arms.

Wang Qing did not expect that all the trainees in Class A would come to care about her.

She was originally a solo trainee, and she didn't sign with a company or group.

She usually has a good relationship with Shi Fei, firstly because Shi Fei is very gentle and doesn't seem to have a temper with everyone, and secondly because both of them are on the upper bunk, head to head, relatively close.

"How do you feel?" Xing Ranran, a cute girl, has two dimples on her face when she smiles. Her singing ability is very strong, and she has participated in various singing talent shows before.

The dormitory of Class A is very big, but it still seems a bit crowded with eight people squeezed in at once.

Wang Qing suddenly felt a little shy when he saw those twinkling eyes staring at him in unison.

"Haha, it's nothing serious, but I can't use my strength for the time being. The doctor said that there is no bone injury." She had completely thought about it.

This is a three-month program, which sounds like a long time, but in fact, the final cut will only be 12 episodes.

The 12 episodes of the official program, one week, is just one episode, which is not a big problem at all, and the doctor also said that if the recovery is good, it doesn't need a week.

Seeing the smile on her face, everyone laughed too.

The girls sat down and chatted with her: "Let me tell you, just now they proposed to go to the cafeteria to steal some fruits for you to eat." After Xing Ranran finished speaking, Li Qian who was standing next to her patted her back.

"Such a shameful thing, you also say."

After hearing this, Wang Qing laughed. Ye Tian walked in with her two cans of milk at this moment. Hearing everyone laughing, she asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Seeing her sneaky look, Wang Qing was also very curious: "What are you holding?"

 Sweet, you lost two bottles of milk!

  Ye Tian: Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you will get two bottles at night!Hee hee, I figured it out!
  Qi Ye:? ? ?
  Ask for a recommendation ticket and save the child.

  Thank you for the rewards, recommended votes, and five-star praise babies! ! !Love you guys!
  There are a lot of things to do in the past few days, and I have to get up early to do things tomorrow, so the update is not very stable. After a few days, I have finished dealing with things, and I will add updates for everyone!
  In addition, the daily recommendation ticket is over [-] plus more!Duck!
(End of this chapter)

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