Chapter 92 You Are Really Average!
"Nothing, give her a small gift." After Ye Tian finished speaking, Shi Fei wanted to break the casserole and ask the end, but Ye Tian said again: "This is a little secret between us, I will not tell others!"

After finishing speaking, she blinked at Wang Qing, Wang Qing understood and gave her a thumbs up.

"Shall we go have dinner together? Does A-Qing need us to help you?" Xing Ranran looked at Wang Qing again and asked.

Wang Qing said, "No need, I have crutches, I just got used to it!"

In fact, if you don’t need to recover quickly, you don’t need crutches if you sprain your feet. After all, everyone has such an experience. If you don’t exercise vigorously and don’t hurt your bones, just apply some medicine and you’ll be fine in a few days.

However, in order to recover quickly and reduce the strain on his feet, Wang Qing could only use crutches, which seemed to be quite serious.

Walking out with a cane, everyone in the other classes was startled.

"That's it?"

"Did you fall?"

"What happened?"

Seeing that everyone in Class A was walking together, no one came up to ask.

Wang Qing found Ye Tian, ​​walked over, and saw Wang Qing: "Is this a sister whose name sounds similar to mine?"

Wang Qing nodded, obviously impressed by Wang Qing.

"What's the matter?" There was also worry in her eyes. Although she was not very familiar with someone, the pain was always empathetic.

"It's nothing, it's a sprain, it's not serious, it's just the principle of not using force if you can, so I use this thing." Wang Qing has accepted the current situation.

The whole person regained his cheerfulness.

When Wang Qing heard this, she also breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's good that I didn't hurt my bones! When I was a child, I often sprained my feet when I walked. If it wasn't serious, it would only last for an hour or two, and if it was serious, it would only last for a few days. It's fine!" She He patted his chest, expressing that he was very professional.

Wang Qing was instantly amused by her, "Okay, I believe you!"

Everyone smiled and went to order vegetables. A few acquaintances from the company still went to find people from their own company. Ye Tian, ​​Wang Qing, Shu Ruxue and Wang Qing sat together.

"Would you like some meat? Supplement your nutrition!" Wang Qing offered to cook for Wang Qing, saying that the two of them were destined.

Shi Fei didn't get the chance, so she clenched her fist.

"Eat!" Wang Qing nodded.

Wang Qing, Ye Tian and Shu Ruxue went to cook together, and Shi Fei sat next to Wang Qing.

"Shall I go get you some fruit?" she offered.

"No need, Feifei, you are tired after staying with me for so long, so don't bother you!" Shi Fei has been taking care of her all the time, so she is naturally very grateful in her heart.

But, I don't want Shi Fei to be tired because of it.

"It's okay, we're good friends! It's right to help you!" Shi Fei smiled and shook her head, but there was nothing real in her smile.

"But I will feel sorry for this. I have delayed your practice before. Don't delay yourself because of me!"

Shi Fei's dancing level is not very high, and she was able to keep up with everyone in the morning singing, but she was not at her best.

Wang Qing was really sorry for delaying her for so long.

"I'm fine, I have enough practice time!" Shi Fei said with a smile, "Don't worry about me!"

Wang Qing was blocked by her words and didn't know what to say.

Do you want to say, I am really worried about you?

That's not good?
Will it appear that he looks down on her?
But, in terms of ability, Shi Fei's ability is really average in Class A!

 La la la, please recommend a ticket! ! !Five-star praise goes up.

  When I was a child, I often sprained my feet...


(End of this chapter)

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