Chapter 104 Conversation
Looking at the tall dragon in front of him, Lu Zhuo suddenly felt that his appearance was a bit indecent, so he gently put Da Siqi on the shoulder on the ground.

At this time, the gust of wind gradually subsided.

"What's the secret between D and the World Government?" Lu Zhuo was very straightforward, expressing his doubts straight to the point.

Long smiled slightly, but did not answer his question directly.

"What do you mean by freedom?"

Duilong didn't answer his question, but Lu Zhuo's expression was flat, but his heart was slightly dignified.Because in his knowledgeable and domineering perception, the dragon, like the eagle eye, is an existence that cannot be perceived.

"Freedom, in my eyes, you can do whatever you want, that's freedom." Lu Zhuo said with a chuckle.

Long also laughed, and said: "It's such a big goal. But in my opinion, freedom is first of all the freedom of the nation. If a nation becomes slaves, people from this nation can't talk about it no matter what. to liberty."

"Nation? The D family?" Lu Zhuo asked with a change of expression.

"There are too many ethnic groups in this world. There are giant races, small human races, and there are countless disputes between each ethnic group. The D clan used to be the leader of the world, but..."

Speaking of this, Long suddenly stopped talking, making Lu Zhuo annoyed for a while.However, from these few words of Long, we can also know some one-sided news.

"There are not many people who know the real secrets of this world. Most of those who know are dead. I hope you don't know these things prematurely. When you have traveled the great route and found the answer by yourself, you should I can take it." Long looked at Lu Zhuo with piercing eyes.

However, Lu Zhuo frowned and said, "I can't bear it now?"


"I don't believe it!" Lu Zhuo's expression turned cold, and he suddenly pulled out the Zhankong Sword, his body flickered, and he came to the dragon, and the sword in his hand slashed down.

The next moment, the green brick ground on the entire street was completely shattered, and a thousand-meter-long trench appeared. However, there was no one under Lu Zhuo's sword.

This sword is actually empty?

Lu Zhuo looked slightly startled, the sword in his hand swept across and swung backwards.

Sure enough, the figure of the dragon appeared on his back.But at this time, the dragon's arm suddenly turned into a huge claw covered with countless golden scales!
The sword collided with the claw, and an invisible ripple spread out.

In an instant, the surrounding houses all collapsed and collapsed in this shock!

Lu Zhuo's expression changed, his body flashed, and he came to the side of Da Siqi who was still lying there in a coma, and swung his sword lightly, blocking countless fragments.

Long stood there quietly, did not continue to attack, and his arm returned to its original shape.

Lu Zhuo looked at him with serious eyes.

The current Lu Zhuo is definitely at the level of the elite Four Emperors.But he couldn't detect the depth of the dragon. Lu Zhuo already had a guess in his mind at the head-on collision just now.

The dragon's devil fruit is really a dragon of the animal-type phantom beast.Moreover, the weather is also controlled by him.In other words, the dragon has the power of two devil fruits, which surprised Lu Zhuo.

You know, only Blackbeard with a special physique can use the ability of the dark fruit to obtain the power of two kinds of devil fruits, but the dragon in front of him actually possesses the power of the weather fruit and the animal-type phantom dragon fruit at the same time. Surprised Lu Zhuo.

Although he didn't test out the dragon's strength, Lu Zhuo thought he had the ability to protect himself against the top four emperors, that is, Whitebeard in his heyday, but he felt threatened when facing the dragon.

In other words, the strength of the dragon is even higher than that of the top four emperors!

Long looked at Lu Zhuo, and said lightly: "Are you surprised? For the D family, this is nothing. Forget it, I can't say any more. You can find the answer yourself. I believe it will be soon. We can meet again."

As soon as the words fell, the dragon's body suddenly disappeared, as if it had risen into the clouds in the sky.

The torrential rain fell suddenly, but within three feet of Lu Zhuo's body, no drop of rain could fall into it.

Lu Zhuo sat there quietly, until Da Siqi lying in front of him showed signs of waking up, then he slowly stood up.

Although there are more doubts, but I have solved one doubt.

The so-called special constitution is because of the blood of the D family.Blackbeard Teach, whose full name is Marshall D Teach, also has the blood of the D family, so he can have the power of two kinds of devil fruits.

For example, Luffy, in the plot of the new world, has used the power of fire many times.This is something that the rubber fruit cannot do, that is to say, Luffy also has part of the power of the flame.Luffy is also a member of the D family.

In other words, can the so-called D family have the power of two kinds of devil fruits?Moreover, analyzing in the words of the dragon, it seems that a long time ago, the world was not ruled by the Tianlong people, but by the D clan.

Then, what is the blank 900-year history between 800 years ago and 100 years ago, I am afraid that as long as you get the final historical text, you will be able to get the answer.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo's face calmed down, he gently hugged Da Siqi, stepped out, Zhan Kongjian took him into a golden light and flew to the sky.

On Mermaid Island, Lu Zhuo's Holy Sword Pirates quietly returned here and have been there for more than half a month.

Nami and the others, although under the request of Lu Zhuo, insist on training every day to become stronger, but they often play around.

Only Rebecca has been practicing swordsmanship hard.

A lot of sweat flowed from her forehead, and her arms trembled, obviously she had been training for a long time.

With a low shout, she swung out her sword, and the air in front of her suddenly tightened, and there was a slight roar.

At this moment, a voice came from behind her, which surprised her.

"Rebecca, you have worked hard, it seems that you are very close to the sword master."

Hearing this familiar voice, Rebecca's body relaxed, but she lost her strength and fell backwards.

An arm gently hugged her charming body, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, put his nose on her head, and took a light breath.

Well, every girl has a different taste for every girl.

Looking at Lu Zhuo, Rebecca blushed pretty, and without knowing where the strength came from, she pushed Lu Zhuo away at once.

Lu Zhuo laughed and said, "I haven't seen you in half a month, do you miss me?"

"I thought you didn't teach me swordsmanship anymore." Rebecca picked up her sword, her face flushed, and she smiled.

At this time, a shy voice came, which instantly broke Lu Zhuo's teasing of Rebecca.

"Bastard, pervert, I really doubt your character, how did you practice your swordsmanship!"

The one who made this discordant sound was naturally Da Siqi who was forcibly brought back by Lu Zhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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