Chapter 113 Trapped in the seven-color fog

This group of colorful mist is exactly the strange time-changing thing in the original book.

The power of time is almost a taboo.That is the most powerful power, the fruit of time extended, and it is also the first among the top ten strongest fruits of the Superman series, and it is also the first among all devil fruits.

You know, even the second-ranked space fruit seems to have never appeared, and the first-ranked time fruit seems to have become a legend.

However, looking at the cloud of colorful mist, Lu Zhuo had a faint feeling.

There is the source of time, in the depths of the source, where the fruit of time is!

But touching the taboo power of time made Lu Zhuo very afraid.Even if he is as strong as Lu Zhuo, he still cannot resist the passage of time.If Lu Zhuo's strength stops here, I'm afraid he will become a handful of loess in a hundred years.

And Lu Zhuo's ambition as a time traveler is not limited to this, he wants to stand on the highest peak, and let the power of time surrender under his feet!
Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo said solemnly to Conis: "You wait for me here, and I will go over there to check."

Conis looked at Lu Zhuo's appearance, but she had some guesses. She looked at Lu Zhuo worriedly and said, "Is there any danger?"

"It's okay, I can swim casually in the new world, not to mention the great route in the first half. Just wait here for a while, anyway, with your strength, it is impossible for anyone to hurt you." Lu Zhuo laughed. , put on a relaxed demeanor.

However, as his woman, how could Konis fail to see her man's true heart.

"No, I'm going with you."

Looking at the stubborn Conis, Lu Zhuo showed helplessness, and finally could only sigh.

Even Lu Zhuo didn't want to take the risk anymore.However, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch a tiger's cub, Lu Zhuo's own strength is still a little weaker.If Lu Zhuo can now have the strength of the top four emperors, he doesn't have to run around and just wait for the world to develop on its own.

However, although there is only one step away from the elite four emperors and the top four emperors, it is difficult to cross.In Lu Zhuo's view, only when one's sword heart is complete and one steps into the realm of swordsmanship can one become the top four emperors.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhuo finally led Conis into the colorful mist.

In a trance, Lu Zhuo only felt a strange force, luring him in one direction ahead, as if making him lost here.

At this moment, Zhan Kong around his waist suddenly emitted a colorful light, which instantly enveloped Lu Zhuo.It is the power of the origin of that sword.

This force instantly woke up Lu Zhuo and Conis.

Seeing that the surroundings were still filled with colorful mist, Lu Zhuo couldn't help feeling a few times afraid.

Sure enough, he is not a protagonist like Luffy, who can just get stuck in the cracks of the original power of time and span a period of time.The him just now can be said to have escaped from the space and came to the time axis. If he is not careful, he may turn into a pile of dry bones.

However, Lu Zhuo seldom did anything he was not sure about.Although he felt that there was danger here, he did not hesitate, and was even willing to come in with Conis because he had already touched a kind of original power.A little bit of self-protection ability.

Conis looked at the surroundings and said blankly, "I can't see anything clearly here,'s beautiful!"

After hearing her words, Lu Zhuo smiled.Indeed, this original power can also be said to be the most beautiful power.

However, after flying for a while with the Zhankong Sword in his arms, Lu Zhuo's expression gradually sank.

Although he was pulled back to the original world by the original power of the sword, the original power of time still affected the power of space.

As a result, there is no boundary in this colorful mist!
Seen from the outside, this piece of colorful mist is at most as big as an island.

However, after Lu Zhuo released his knowledgeable domineering aura, he couldn't feel the boundary at all. Even the sea under his feet, which should be close at hand, seemed to be separated by an unknown distance.

If this is the case, it seems that I will be trapped here to death.

Lu Zhuo frowned, and quickly moved in one direction. Half an hour later, Conis also noticed something was wrong.

"Did something happen?"

Seeing Lu Zhuo's gloomy face, Konis asked in a low voice.

Lu Zhuo took a deep breath, stopped, looked at Konis with a wry smile, and said, "I can't seem to find the boundary, we seem to be trapped here."

"Is there no boundary?" Conis had doubts in her eyes. In her mind, she couldn't even imagine the concept of no boundary.

"It's useless to be anxious, why don't you listen to me play a piece of music." Seeing Lu Zhuo's appearance, Conis suddenly smiled and said.

She didn't worry about being trapped at all. Anyway, with Lu Zhuo by her side, she would be willing to be trapped here for the rest of her life.

Lu Zhuo took a deep breath, knowing that his heart was a little messed up, and he nodded his head.

Conis smiled slightly, took out the harp on her back, and played it lightly.

The beautiful tunes, coupled with the surrounding scenery, make people very fascinated.But after staying in this grotesque place for a long time, I don't feel how beautiful the colorful colors are.

However, as he was listening, Lu Zhuo's expression suddenly became condensed, and he said, "Kenis, wait a minute, did you hear anything?"

"Huh?" Conis put down the harp, and the sound of the harp was interrupted. She listened softly, showing a look of surprise.

"This is my song, why does it come from that direction?"

Lu Zhuo laughed suddenly, kissed Conis on the face, and said, "My baby, if it wasn't for you, I really wouldn't be able to find my way out!"

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Conis's little face was blushing, but she was somewhat puzzled.

Lu Zhuo smiled and said: "Although this is no longer a pure time axis, the power of time still affects space. If you play a piece of music here, this piece of music is equivalent to recording a timeline at this point in time. Coordinates. So, the sound of your song will be heard over there, because the coordinates have moved with the passage of time."

Conis shook her head, still looking puzzled, as if she didn't understand.

Lu Zhuo smiled, and didn't care whether she understood or not, he picked her up and flew quickly in the direction of the music.

The direction from which the sound came from was changing all the time, and Lu Zhuo kept changing his direction, closely following the direction of the sound.

Finally, after flying for half an hour, an extremely bright light spot appeared in front of Lu Zhuo. It seemed that all the colorful mist was released from that light spot as the core.

(End of this chapter)

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