Chapter 124 Armed Color Third Layer
Whitebeard also nodded, and said in a deep voice: "It is true. I have fought Roger many times. He seems to have no ability, but the damage caused by his fist and sword is extremely terrible. I guess it is death." The fruit's ability was later admitted by him personally."

Lu Zhuo touched his chin, showing a dazed expression.

It turned out to be the fruit of death. This kind of fruit is a superhuman fruit without any external power.However, the attacks he caused could add the power of death, and it was said that he could directly deprive others of their lives.

"Then what's the so-called backlash?"

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, the red-haired sighed, and said: "Actually, I don't know the specific process, I only know that one day, two men in black came and suddenly attacked the captain, and their abilities were so strange that the captain was surprised." The power of death erupted in his body."

"Because of this, even the captain himself couldn't control the messy power of death in his body, and at that time, the captain's viscera had already been eroded by the power of death."

Having said that, Shanks finally couldn't continue and stopped speaking, but Lu Zhuo understood everything, and had to sigh for Roger.

After taking a sip of wine, Shanks shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about that, but the sword god Lu Zhuo, you are already a great swordsman. This is the first time I have seen such a young great swordsman .”

"Hehe, you are no longer my opponent." Lu Zhuo chuckled and drank another glass of wine, but his drinking capacity could not be compared with that of a white beard and red hair. The ability is also very good, almost finished drinking here, and the alcohol has been melted over there.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's straightforward words, the red hair suddenly laughed and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Since you have become a great swordsman, let's discuss swordsmanship again."

"That's what I mean." Lu Zhuo smiled and stood up.After resting for so long, his body has almost recovered.

Lu Zhuo is no longer interested in Shanks' swordsmanship, but the third level of armed domineering still makes Lu Zhuo think about it, after all, he will be able to cultivate it soon.

Seeing the two draw their swords, White Beard laughed, then raised his eyebrows and said, "The two brats should fight aside, I still want to drink."

"Soon, come back and drink after the fight!" The red-haired also laughed, drew out the sword with his right hand, took a step forward, and stepped directly into the sky with colored and tangible armed domineering.

At the same time, Lu Zhuo rushed forward with two moon steps.

The two swords touched lightly in the air, and a gust of wind rushed to the face, and the broken ice blocks around were blown up and scattered in all directions.

However, among the people present at this moment, there are hardly a few whose strength is lower than that of ordinary generals, so this wind is nothing.

What was terrifying was the collision between the two sword domains and sword intent, as if facing a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​swords, it was unbearable, and they retreated involuntarily.

The only one who can watch the sword fight between Lu Zhuo and the red hair in the air is the white-bearded and red-haired vice-captain Ben Beckman.

Others retreated a certain distance, near or far, but it can also be seen from this that everyone's strength is divided.

Ben Beckman, who has always been unattractive, is obviously an ordinary Sihuang-level powerhouse, at the same level as Shanks.And the ones behind are Nami Robin and others, and after that, it is roughly the captains of Whitebeard and the crew of Shanks.

Ben Beckman, who noticed this, was also secretly shocked. The Holy Sword Pirates, which hadn't grown up last time, almost surpassed their crew this time.

The only shortcoming is that the number of people is a little less, but the small number and strong strength can make up for it.

After glancing at Nami and the others and the captains, Beckman turned his attention to the sky.

Shanks and Lu Zhuo are still fighting swords in close quarters, but every time the sword is swung and collided, Shanks will almost take a few steps back. This is because Lu Zhuo has reserved a little bit of strength and has not suppressed it with the imperial domineering Effect.

It can be seen that the gap between the elite four emperors and the ordinary four emperors, and the gap between the top four emperors and the elite four emperors may be even greater.

Because the greatest damage that Lu Zhuo can cause now is roughly the destruction of an island.

And the white beard in the peak period, the top four emperors' strength, has the power to destroy the world. Although the statement is a bit exaggerated, coupled with the strong destructive power of the Zhenzhen fruit, the gap between the two can also be seen.

During the battle, although Shanks was at a disadvantage, his fighting spirit remained undiminished. Lu Zhuo even noticed that the red-haired sword heart was gradually consummated in the battle with him!

It's also interesting to use yourself as a sharpening stone.

Lu Zhuo chuckled, and Zhan Kong in his hand was suddenly covered with a layer of jet-black armed arrogance, and that armed arrogance even had the hint of breaking through the surface and turning into a real body.

Seeing this, Shanks frowned, and laughed loudly: "It seems that the two of us think about the same."

"It's almost the same, but if I didn't let you, you would have lost!" Lu Zhuo twitched the corner of his mouth, but he still didn't release the emperor's arrogance to directly suppress Shanks.

However, some of his attention was placed on Ben Beckman below. The one who could not retreat a step in the aftermath and continued to drink with White Beard naturally had the strength of the Four Emperors.

It's no wonder why the red hair was able to compete with the white beard. Even if the two ordinary four emperors couldn't beat the elite four emperors, they could still fight.

I just don't know what that Beckman's ability is. In the original book, he just pointed a gun at the yellow ape.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo shook his head, and didn't bother to pay attention to it, and concentrated on learning the third-level armed color domineering on Shanks.

That kind of armed arrogance is extremely weird, when the two swords meet, the armed arrogance on Shanks' sword will suddenly turn into another sword, and a surprise attack will come.

It is also because of this that Lu Zhuo and Shanks always have a little bit of strength in fighting swords, but their own armed domineering has gradually formed.

Finally, amidst the roar, Shanks' sword heart finally came to fruition, and Lu Zhuo also took that step, and his armed domineering reached the third level.

The two gave up in tacit understanding, looked at each other, laughed at the same time, and fell down.

The red-haired sword heart is complete, coupled with the third level of armed domineering, the strength can barely be regarded as the elite four emperors.But Lu Zhuo himself didn't know how much his strength would improve after he cultivated to the third level of Armed Domineering Qi.

After all, the so-called ordinary generals, elite four emperors and other divisions are all virtual levels listed in his own mind compared with the strong ones in the world of One Piece.

Thinking about it, he should be able to defeat the elite four emperors, even if he meets the top four emperors, he should be able to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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