Chapter 130 Suppressing the audience
As the king of the Qiwuhai himself, and once fought against the Four Emperors Kaido, he has developed the qualification to look down on everything. In fact, he has become the weakest one in the Qiwuhai.Crocodile is better than him!
Lu Zhuo frowned, and said coldly: "You made my mount into a zombie without authorization, you should give me an explanation."

In fact, Lu Zhuo really wanted to kill this fellow with a single blow of the sword. Moriah's strength was at best that of an ordinary general. He even said that Lu Zhuo didn't even need to move his sword, and he could kill him instantly with one fist.But thinking about Moria's hole cards in his heart, Lu Zhuo had some teasing thoughts. After all, no matter how strong Moria's hole cards were, it was definitely not enough for him.

Except for Wulaoxing and Long, Lu Zhuo doesn't think anyone else can save Moria from him, even Wulaoxing. As long as not all five come, but one or two, Lu Zhuo is still confident to kill him directly. Moria.

This is the horror of a swordsman. A pure swordsman has no ability, but among his peers, he is absolutely invincible!Moreover, it is also the most terrifying existence of the power of beheading.

"It's you!" Sauron frowned, and clenched the sword in his hand a little bit. The next moment, he saw a sharp sword glow coming through the air, and he knew by feeling that this was definitely not Lu Zhuo's attack.

With a light lift of the sword in his hand, Sauron took over the light from the sword, stepped back a little, and saw a figure approaching in a flash, one person and one sword, drawing a beautiful arc.

"Nonoroya Sauron! I want to duel with you!" Dashiqi charged towards Sauron with a sword force.

Sauron passively fought back, and as soon as the sword came out, there was a faint tendency to overwhelm Da Siqi, but when he saw Da Siqi's face clearly, he staggered suddenly, revealing a big flaw, Da Siqi took advantage of the situation to attack, Sauron was a little embarrassed immediately.

All this happened almost in a moment. Luffy and others were surprised by Lu Zhuo's sudden appearance, and were baffled by Dashiqi who suddenly attacked Sauron.

"It's been a long time, by the way, what's the situation?" Lu Fei smiled and pressed the straw hat on his head, then pointed to Sauron and Dashiqi who were fighting fiercely together.

Lu Zhuo smiled at him, and then said flatly: "The apprentice who learned swordsmanship with me heard that Sauron's swordsmanship is very strong, so he came to challenge."

"Hehehehe, Lu Zhuo, you are interfering in the battle casually. I haven't finished fighting with the Straw Hats yet. Which side are you on?" Moria spread his hands and asked with a strange smile.

Lu Zhuo looked at Moria, his expression turned cold immediately, and he sneered, "Do you have the qualification?"


There was a strange noise, and a shadow suddenly appeared from under Lu Zhuo's feet, turned into a long spear, and stabbed fiercely at Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo raised his foot, and the jet-black domineering color of the weapon instantly covered his feet, and he stepped the spear directly into the ground with one kick.

At the same time, an emperor-like arrogance burst out instantly, rushing towards all directions.This time Lu Zhuo didn't deliberately suppress it, because Lu Fei and the zombies were almost about to fight again.

As soon as this emperor-like arrogance came out, it immediately suppressed the audience. Except for Lu Zhuo who deliberately did not affect Sauron and Da Siqi, everyone else's legs softened and they sat down on the ground covered in cold sweat.

Moria frowned, his body trembled slightly, and a dark shadow surrounded him, but he couldn't resist Lu Zhuo's emperor-like arrogance, and was pressed back several steps in a row, barely falling down.

"What... is this terrifying aura!"

"Okay... so strong, you don't need to fight, is it so strong just by momentum?" Lu Fei gritted his teeth and raised his head, looking at Lu Zhuo with fiery eyes.

I thought I had become very strong, but I didn't expect that there was still such a big difference from Lu Zhuo, but I would not give up!

Lu Zhuo caught Lu Fei's gaze, nodded with a hint of admiration, and then shook his shoulders, dissipating his arrogance.

"Next, I will take the lead here, one by one, you are not allowed to interfere in the battle between Dashiqi and Sauron, and..." At this point, Lu Zhuo looked at Moria, who was showing a little horror, and showed a hint of fear. mocking look.

"It's just that I'm idle and bored. Take out all the cards you have. If you don't have them, you don't need to live!"

Looking at Lu Zhuo's cold gaze, Moria was horrified. She didn't expect Lu Zhuo to be so strong, but could she crush herself with arrogance? Even if it was the Four Emperor Kaido, it might not be Lu Zhuo. opponent.

What Moria didn't know was that the title of the strongest man in the world, who Lu Zhuo had already defeated, was about to be transferred.

But when he thought of his hole card, Moria stopped flustering. It seemed that the hole card gave him great confidence. He looked at Lu Zhuo with a gloomy face, no longer the playful look he had before.

"You and I are both Qiwuhai, you can't take action against me, otherwise, your Qiwuhai will be over. You have worked so hard to become Qiwuhai, there must be your purpose."

Hearing Moria's words, Lu Zhuo didn't even bother to pay attention, sneered, and said, "A mere Shichibukai, even if I don't have this position, I won't have any trouble, so killing you is like killing a dog!"

These few words of dialogue shocked Luffy and his group, they didn't know what to say for a while, and they were crushed by the emperor's domineering aura before, and they haven't recovered yet.

In fact, Lu Zhuo was a little surprised that Luffy and the others could bear his imperial looks without being in a coma. No matter how you look at it, the current Luffy and the others shouldn't be able to bear it.

But this question just flashed through his mind, and his eyes were fixed on the battle between Sauron and Dashiqi in the field.

Sauron has just experienced a big battle, and his physical strength has dropped drastically, but his current state has already achieved a small achievement in the sword field. One sword can be transformed into countless swords, and Da Siqi is still at a disadvantage.

"You woman, why are you beside that sword god, every time I see you, I am inexplicable!"

Looking at Da Siqi, who was attacking non-stop and seemed to have a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, Sauron felt that his head was getting bigger, and he really had nothing to say to this stubborn woman.

Three Swords Style, Ghost Slash!
Two swords style, 72 troubles style!
One-shot flow, Juhe slash!

Although the expression was extremely helpless, Da Siqi's strength at the moment must not be underestimated. Sauron also took it very seriously. At the same time, he was also surprised that Da Siqi's strength had improved so much in a short period of time. It should be attributed to the sword god Lu Zhuo.

Naturally, he was right. Although Da Siqi was just a sword, she already had her own style, and taking advantage of the situation to pursue her, she still persisted.

Sauron's physical strength has dropped drastically. If it continues like this, Sauron will definitely lose. After fighting a few more moves, Sauron looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Unreasonable woman, if you keep messing around like this, I will be serious. Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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