Chapter 132 CP0 Deputy Captain

(Thank you for your support, one more update will not count as an explosion, I will really explode next Monday, please support!)

"Okay... so strong, have you reached this level?" Xiong stood up, looked at Lu Zhuo, and said expressionlessly: "I am not your opponent, so I can't stop the struggle between Qi Wuhai, you Take it easy."

After he finished speaking, he shook his body and used the ability of the meatball fruit to bounce himself away. He really walked away without taking a cloud.

Lu Fei and the others only felt in their hearts that a hundred thousand muddy horses galloped past, the majestic sea of ​​seven martial arts, and with Lu Zhuo's two casual touches, one of them was disabled and one was beaten away?The same Qi Wuhai, the gap is too big!

Chopper and Usopp looked at each other with stiff expressions.

" you think he is still human?"

"It should be... no, it's probably covered with a layer of human skin."

The two of them made complaints in a low voice, but Lu Zhuo's knowledgeable and domineering air enveloped the audience, so he naturally heard these two words, and gave the two of them an angry look, which frightened Qiaoba so much that his hair blew up. When he got behind Usopp, Usopp was also scared, and the two looked very funny.

However, Lu Zhuo was not in the mood to play with them. Instead, he turned his head to look at Moria who had passed out, and said coldly, "Do you really have any hole cards? It looks like you don't have any. Then you can go to hell."

Shaking his head, Lu Zhuo grabbed the Zhan Kong Sword floating in the air and swung it at Moria.


A voice came suddenly, causing Lu Zhuo's expression to change slightly, but the sword in his hand was still chopped down.

An invisible and colorless sword light flashed across, and the next moment, a figure suddenly flashed in front of Moria, and even grabbed the sword light with his bare hands.

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

After a sound, Lu Zhuo's sword light was directly pinched by that person!

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo frowned, and looked at the person who appeared suddenly and escaped his sense of knowledge. The man had a blue mask on his face and a white hat on his head. He had the same body shape as Lu Zhuo. All normal human beings.

Seeing this appearance, a word popped out of Lu Zhuo's mind instantly.

World Government, CP0!

"Why did you save him?" Lu Zhuo put his sword back into its sheath, looked at the man, and spoke lightly, but with a questioning tone.It doesn't look like Shichibukai is talking to CP0, but it looks like Wu Laoxing is reprimanding CP0.

The man was wearing a mask, and he couldn't see his expression, but he said in a deep voice: "I am the vice-captain of CP0, code-named Angel, and Moria gave something to the World Government in exchange for the World Government's asylum. "

Hearing these words, Lu Zhuo almost vomited blood. Is this Nima wearing a rotten mask, or a man with a rough voice, codenamed Angel?God damn it.

Thinking of that code name, Lu Zhuo felt disgusted, so he tried not to complain, he said in a deep voice, "Well, Captain Angel, first of all, I must kill Moria, and secondly, what is that thing? Worth making you dispatch a vice-captain?"

"No comment, you can leave now." Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Captain Angel remained motionless, his voice unchanged, extremely indifferent.

"Hey!" Lu Zhuo smiled suddenly, and waved his hand: "Da Siqi, you and Lu Fei, go a little farther, it's best to leave this island first."

Dashiqi was slightly taken aback, not understanding what it meant, but when he saw Usopp and Chopper running away crying, he understood.

"Why do you want me to go, the shadow hasn't been brought back yet!" Lu Fei frowned and looked at Lu Zhuo, but was dragged away by Sanji's collar by the side.

"What about the shadow, don't worry, it will definitely be back soon, if you stay here, you don't need to take the shadow."

"Why don't you need to take the shadow, there is no shadow..." Luffy yelled loudly, he didn't want to listen, but was dragged away by Sanji all the way, Zoro frowned, after thinking about it, he still left with Luffy and the others.

Seeing that the people in the field left in an instant, the deputy captain of the angel said lightly: "Do you want to fight with me?"

Seeing that everyone had gone far away, Lu Zhuo sneered, "It's not that I want to fight you, but... are you qualified to fight me?"

The Zhankong Sword in his hand buzzed, and three clicks, clicks, and draws of the sword sounded almost simultaneously.

Super fast... Slashing through the air and drawing a knife, three consecutive slashes!

Lu Zhuo's expression was cold, and he didn't mean to complain about the name of his move at all. He saw three dazzling half-moon-shaped rays of light sweeping forward.

The sword light was like a large plow thousands of meters away, the ground cracked instantly, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger. It would be best if there was a roar, and the sea water gushed out.

Such a huge ship that can hold the entire town was cut open by Lu Zhuo with a single sword!
Luffy and the others, who had already run far away, couldn't care less about the horror. The entire land and sea were rumbling and roaring, as if it was a magnitude [-] earthquake, and they couldn't stand still.

They scrambled and scrambled, and finally ran back to the Sun, only then did they have the time to look back and watch the shocking battle.

The purpose of Lu Zhuo's three sword lights was not to attack the vice captain of the angel, but to directly destroy the entire island ship. In that case, Moria would be dead anyway.

Vice-captain Angel cursed inwardly, the world government knew about Lu Zhuo's defeat of Whitebeard right away, since the world government sent him to save people from Lu Zhuo's subordinates, he naturally has that strength.

However, Lu Zhuo's strike caught him off guard. Three sword beams swept across, the whole island exploded with a roar, and the sea water splashed. How could he care about Moriah? He is also a capable person.

The next moment, with a flash of his body, he stepped on the moon steps and came directly to the high sky. At the same time, Lu Zhuo also flashed and came to him, and the sword in his hand directly chopped down.

Moria below had already been directly smashed into the sea by the collapse of the island. Those zombies were all soaked in sea water and died directly, and the shadows all flew back by themselves.And Moria, a capable person, obviously sank to the bottom of the sea, and was about to die without rescue.

The deputy captain of the angel was anxious, and wanted to rush down to save Moria, but Lu Zhuo's sword was aggressive, and he came over with a monstrous force. Under the pressure of the sword field, he could not hide, he could only resist or use it Change tricks.

Looking at the attacking sword, a stern look flashed in the eyes of the deputy captain of the angel, and a powerful momentum rose from his body, and his arms stretched forward suddenly.

The right hand was instantly covered with a layer of armed arrogance, which was clearly the third level in form and color, and then he directly grabbed the edge of Lu Zhuo's Zhankong Sword.

Lu Zhuo raised his brows, and chopped it down.

The sword slashed across his arm, just like cutting tofu, it cut off his arm directly, and even smashed that arm into pieces as the sword intent surged.

The third level of domineering armed color can block the light of the sword, but it can't stop the blade of the Kong Zhanjian!

(End of this chapter)

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