Chapter 149 See Ace

(I can’t guarantee the quality. I’m a newcomer and my writing skills are limited, but the quantity must be sufficient!!! It will be released tomorrow! It will explode for three days in a row! After three days, it will be guaranteed and the fourth update will last until the Chinese New Year! Xiaofeng wishes everyone a happy new year in advance!!)

However, at this time, those knowledgeable people were unwilling to let him go, they followed the direction and flocked towards Lu Zhuo, as if they wanted to examine Lu Zhuo again.

"Which bastard rookie, or a damned navy guard, is using his knowledge unscrupulously?"

"It's his grandma's. I want to see who this guy is, and I'm quite knowledgeable."

Feeling the countless knowledge and knowledge forces coercing him, rushing towards him, Lu Zhuo sneered and stomped his feet lightly.

The domineering imperial look centered on him and ruthlessly suppressed him.

With that majesty like an emperor, and his merciless all-round attack, Lu Zhuo crushed all the pirates on the sixth floor with his own power.

The sound of falling to the ground with a plop and the sound of shackles rang out everywhere.

"Damn...damn it, so powerful... Overlord color, who is it?!"

"What domineering look, this is clearly the emperor's look!" In the depths of the infinite hell, there was a cold snort, and at the same time, several domineering auras also directly surged up, united against Lu Zhuo's emperor Domineering.

These domineering auras are not weak at all, comparable to the red-haired Shanks, combined, Lu Zhuo also finds it extremely difficult. It seems that even he on the sixth floor cannot wreak havoc at will.

But this momentum, I can't be weak!

A flash of light flashed in Lu Zhuo's eyes, and he swept coldly into the depths of the infinite hell. The extremely solid ground under his feet, connected to the bottom of the sea, made a crackling sound. Lu Zhuo's body was crushed in the domineering confrontation. Push back.

The next moment, Lu Zhuo didn't hold back, with sword intent, sword heart and sword domain, he rushed forward directly following the emperor's domineering aura.

Those domineering colors were crushed in one blow, and shocked voices came from everywhere.

"Great Swordsman! Top Great Swordsman!"

"I heard that there has been a person named Hawkeye in the sea in recent decades. Could it be this person?"

"No, no, there is a stronger one recently, it seems to be...Sword God Lu Zhuo!"

Those who can still speak at this moment are all extremely powerful, at least at the level of the elite Four Emperors. If such people are placed in the sea, they will be properly a New World Four Emperors, but there are more than a dozen of them here!

"Hmph, it might be my fault at first, but you'd better not provoke me, no matter how strong you are, you are now prisoners of the navy!"

Lu Zhuo's icy voice reached the depths of Infinite Hell, causing those who spoke to pause.

After a while, an old and majestic voice came.

"You are welcome."

"Very good!" Lu Zhuo nodded and walked forward.

Many of these people were lost in the fight with White Beard Roger, and many were captured by Karp and Sengoku. Most of them have lost their pride in the past. Otherwise, there is still hope for them to escape from prison.

The golden lion was also imprisoned here back then, and he cut off his own two legs cruelly, and then escaped.

After walking a few steps, Lu Zhuo stopped in front of a cage, looked at the two prisoners inside, sighed, and said, "Ace, you still haven't listened to my advice."

In the previous confrontation, Ace and Jinping were also among them, and they were also crushed by Lu Zhuo with the emperor's look and sword field, but both of them insisted on not fainting. Seeing Lu Zhuo at this moment, Jinping's expression changed Xi, said: "Sword God, save Brother Ace, as long as you save him, you can stop this war!"

Lu Zhuo sighed, shook his head, and said, "Jinping, you don't understand. Even if I rescued Ace, this war could no longer be stopped. The navy captured Ace and put it in the name of execution. I slapped Whitebeard in the face, do you think that Whitebeard can not fight the navy? If Whitebeard doesn't fight, how can he continue sailing in this sea?!"

" all my fault! I'm too self-willed!" Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Ace gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly, bleeding from the chains that bound his body. care.

"Brother Ace..." Jinbe looked at Ace and murmured, but didn't know what to say.

Lu Zhuo looked at Ace and said in a deep voice: "Ace, let me tell you, Whitebeard is your father, and his name has been spread in the sea for decades. But...he is old. "

"White Beard, he can no longer bear the title of One Piece King. Even if you want to help him take the position of One Piece King, do you think he can sit firmly?"

" are not allowed to say that about Dad, shut up!" Ace raised his head and looked at Lu Zhuo, shouting angrily, but his eyes gradually became moist, he knew that Lu Zhuo was telling the truth.

Lu Zhuo didn't care about Ace's excited emotions, and continued: "Your burning fruit is one of the top ten natural elements. When it grows up, it will not be much weaker than White Beard. And White Beard really treats you sincerely. In fact, he is training you and wants you to be the Pirate King, do you understand?"

Crash, clatter, the chain rattled.Ace clutched the chain tightly, with tears streaming from his eyes, and murmured, "Daddy... Daddy..."

Seeing Ace's appearance, Lu Zhuo sighed, and said: "People are always going to die, and Whitebeard has not defeated time, so even if he sits in the position of Pirate King, how long can he live? You know his body. Let’s be honest, I had countless chances to stop this war, but I didn’t!”

"You... what are you thinking?!"

It was Shi Ping who spoke. After listening to Lu Zhuo's words, Jin Ping, who had been silent all this time, stared and looked a little unfriendly, but Lu Zhuo didn't care and continued talking.

"I think Whitebeard is a respectable big pirate, senior. It's a pity to die on a hospital bed, so I hope that he will die on the battlefield in the end. Of course, I don't mean that he will definitely die." Lose to the Navy, if he wins, Ace, your goal can be achieved, and with the momentum of victory in this war, let him ascend to the position of One Piece."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo paused, his volume suddenly increased, and he shouted: "But! How long can he stay in this position!"

This sentence made Jinbe silent again, and Ace was sobbing.

Lu Zhuo's voice gradually slowed down, and he said softly: "Ace, I can rescue you, but this battle has nothing to do with whether you can get out or not. This is a battle for the Four Emperors to defend their dignity, and it is inevitable. And I , helped Whitebeard heal the hidden wound, so that he can fight with all his strength."

"I came to see you this time with only one purpose. If Whitebeard loses, then you join my pirate group. If Whitebeard wins, I will not stop you from helping Whitebeard become the Pirate King. You know my strength, The news should have reached here, if I want to stop it, Whitebeard, he won't be able to become the One Piece King!"

(End of this chapter)

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