Chapter 151
The Imperial Clan is the D Clan!Before 800 years, it was not the Tianlong people who ruled the world, but the so-called Emperor Clan!

And during that blank 100 years, alien invasions occurred, that is to say, the ancestors of the Tianlong people were not from this world, they were aliens who attacked this world.

The Emperor Clan who fought against it was defeated in this battle that lasted for a hundred years, and lost the world to the Tianlong people, so the Tianlong people will erase all traces of history, because they are not from this world. It is said that they are not descendants of the Creator aloft, but invaders, and they should be resisted by the United World!
The things recorded in the historical text can be roughly connected coherently!

Isn't the will of D the will of the emperor? In other words, everyone who knows this secret is planning how to shake up the world and make people unite to fight against the world government.

Why is there a Pirate King? Because of the reputation of the Pirate King, he can be the leader of the pirates. With one order, the pirates can unite!That's why One Piece must have the fame and strength to impress all pirates!
The revolutionary army is naturally the army against the world government, and they are waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, there are only a few people who know the secret, the navy, and many organizations of the world government are kept in the dark, and the day when all this is revealed is the time when the imperial race and the alien race will fight again.

This is why the red-haired Shanks will stop the war, because he knows the secret, he knows that no matter the navy or the pirates, they should stand on the same front, and there is only one enemy, and that is the Celestial Dragon!

"Then...your identity is..." Lu Zhuo asked solemnly looking at the old man whose lower body had been completely shattered into white light.

"I am... hundreds of years ago, the leader of the Emperor Clan, but I lost the world to others... I can feel that you don't have the blood of the Emperor Clan. Even so, you are from this world. The enemy is a foreign race, a Tianlong people." Looking at Lu Zhuo, the old man suddenly smiled.

"You are very strong. With you, there is great hope of victory in this war. However, time is running out. We must defeat those alien races before the will of the world collapses." The old man's light had reached his neck, There was a look of horror in those cloudy eyes.

"The five leading alien races are all saint-level existences, but because of the suppression of them by the power of the world, they can only have the strength close to the semi-holy level. Once the will of the world collapses, the power of the world will not help them Without suppression, five saint-level powerhouses are enough for them to completely control the world."

Hearing the old man's words, Lu Zhuo's expression was weird, and he almost wanted to say that Lao Tzu is not from this world, but thinking that he is not suppressed by the power of the world, this body is from this world, so he is half a pirate king The natives of the world, anyway, are different from other races.

Thinking of this, he asked again: "The five old fellows of Wu Laoxing have already made enemies with me, can you tell me what abilities and strengths each of the five have?"

The old man chuckled and said: "The so-called ability is the devil fruit, right? In fact, it is the emergency measure of the source after the will of the world is suppressed, and it can allow people in this world to quickly improve their strength. Touching the source is half a step of saint level, You can use the power of the original source, which is the holy level, which is the realm of eternal life."

"Those five old ghosts of different races are all saint-level, but in our world, their strength is suppressed, and at most they can display the strength close to the semi-holy level, and they can't even reach the semi-holy level. With the three holy artifacts, we won't be the losers."

The words of the old man gave Lu Zhuo a clear understanding. It turned out that the path of swordsmanship came to an end, and he was at the semi-holy level, and the fusion of the origin is the holy level, so the Mengqi D dragon is so terrifying, it should be at the semi-sacred level.

At this moment, the old man with only one head left began to speak faster, and said: "If you have the blood of the emperor, you can use two or more devil fruits. Although you are not a descendant of the emperor, your strength does not need the so-called Devil fruit, you can become holy if you stick to it."

"There is no need to worry about the three holy artifacts of the Wulaoxing. One is the light sword of the millennium light, which was smashed to pieces by the elders of my imperial clan, Chiguiche. The second is a round Tiangang shield. It was destroyed by me, and the third thing is the cage that traps me now. It has consumed my life for hundreds of years, and I am also slowly destroying its power. It can be completely broken."

"As for the five old stars... When the will of the world is suppressed, countless fruits fly out. The eldest is the fruit of space... The second is the fruit of life... The third..." When he said this, half of the old man's head also Turned into fragments and flew away, with helplessness in his eyes, he was speechless, and wanted to directly transmit the voice to Lu Zhuo, but this cage was too powerful.

The next moment, with a look of determination in his eyes, the last half of his head instantly shattered, turning into a group of dim seven-color crystals, and then, as if the seven-color crystals were ignited, from dim to extremely dazzling, emitting its Last light.

Is this the power of the source... Lu Zhuo is not too disappointed that the old man did not finish talking about the ability of the devil fruit captured by the five old stars. Now seeing the source of the seven colors, he only feels that he is one step closer to the source.

He once used the source of the Zhankong Sword to destroy a thunder tribulation, but at that time he didn't have much experience because of the backlash of the source, but now feeling the power of the source, Lu Zhuo's other foot also set foot on the way of the sword the road.

Lu Zhuo's path of swordsmanship is the avenue leading to the origin. Although he has stepped on it now, there is still a long way to go to complete the journey.

The original seven-color light flashed away, and the cage seemed to sense it, desperately bursting out a jet-black mist, trying to entangle the original power inside.

There was a loud noise, and the power of the source suddenly exploded, and the black mist was instantly destroyed. The cage seemed to be psychic, and there was a scream, and there were clearly visible cracks on the dark fences above.

The next moment, the cage flew up by itself, trying to break through the air.

Although the explosion of the original power was powerful, after all, the old man was exhausted, and this cage was indeed a sacred weapon of repression, and the material was extremely strong.

However, Lu Zhuo sneered, naturally he would not let this kind of thing return to Wu Laoxing's hands, flicked his fingers, and a golden light flashed, piercing around the cage several times.

A more shrill scream was only halfway through, and then stopped completely. The black cage was cracked everywhere, and it was completely shattered by Zhan Kong!

At the same time, in the center of Holy Land Mary Joa, in the room where the five old stars lived.

The second child grunted, his face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Second brother, is it that old ghost who escaped?" The boss opened his eyes and stared at the second brother. The expressions of the others were also different, but obviously they were not in a good mood.

The second child shook his head, adjusted his breath slightly, and then slowly said: "It's not so easy to escape after being suppressed by my black sky cover, not to mention it's been more than 800 years. The oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, this is his last blow before dying, and my black sky hood dies together."

(End of this chapter)

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