Chapter 157 The Straw Hat Appears (Sixth)

Hawkeye was defeated and died, and only his legend remained in the posterity, which became history.

Looking at this scene, Lu Zhuo couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. It was impossible to keep his hand from the blow just now. If he kept his hand, he might be the one who died.

He also didn't expect that the power at the end of Hawkeye's kendo could tear apart the space, and the collision between the power of space shattering and the pseudo-origin, when the pseudo-origin defeated the power of space shattering, it instantly crushed Hawkeye's sword domain, His body was directly wiped out.

It's a pity, knowing that the five old stars are the ultimate enemy, the loss of an eagle eye is a heavy loss.

However, Lu Zhuo only feels sorry for Hawkeye, but he will not regret it in his heart. At this point, life and death have long been taken lightly. In the original book, Sauron, who just went to sea, can have such a backbone, even if Lu Zhuo If he could keep his hand, I am afraid that Hawkeye would not choose to live.

Seeing Hawkeye's body dissipate, but with a contented look on his face, Lu Zhuo knew that Hawkeye had realized the origin of swordsmanship at this moment, and it was a worthy death.

Hawkeye, let's go!
"Swordsman duel...Hawkeye lost. Sure enough, the sword god is the world's number one swordsman!"

Lu Zhuo raised his arm and performed a standard swordsman etiquette towards Hawkeye. He glanced at the frozen battlefield and chuckled lightly. He didn't care that there was no strange fighting on the battlefield. Instead, he took a step and flashed to Hancock. By her side, she reached out to wrap her arms around her slender waist.

The sword god who was majestic one moment, became a lover the next moment, making everyone envious and jealous.

That is the most beautiful woman in the world, but it is also a good match with the world's number one swordsman.Comparing themselves with Lu Zhuo, they all felt ashamed.

Hancock blushed, and when his tender body softened, he lay down in his arms, feeling the heat of his chest, only felt his body go weak, and only wanted Lu Zhuo to 'punish' him severely Fan.

"It's a pity. I thought that the Sword God could defeat Whitebeard, but Hawkeye wasn't that strong. But after watching today's battle, I realized that Hawkeye is equally well-deserved!"

Not only Lu Zhuo's Vientiane Vitality Slash, but Hawkeye's final attack was also extremely terrifying. Even if Whitebeard wanted to take this move, he would probably be seriously injured!
At this moment, everyone mourned for Hawkeye's departure, whether it was a swordsman or an ability user.

The white beard looked at Lu Zhuo who looked at the battlefield with his arms around Hancock as if no one else was around, his expression was a little complicated.

The rise of this kid is unstoppable, growing too fast, Ace has no time to compete with him...

After witnessing the shocking battle, the pirates and marines in the field all looked dazed. They felt the humbleness and insignificance of life, and even felt like laying down their weapons.

At this moment, a loud noise broke the tranquility here.

In the distance, outside the harbor that was completely flattened by Lu Zhuo and Hawkeye, a warship broke through the ice, and a stream of water engulfed the warship to make it extremely fast, and even directly rushed towards the already shattered cobweb. The ice surface came to the battlefield.


With a familiar roar, a figure wearing a straw hat ignored the eerie tranquility of the battlefield and rushed directly towards Ace at the execution platform.

"What happened here?" Sauron followed closely behind Luffy, frowning, feeling the weirdness of this battlefield, and also felt some broken sword intent, which made him frightened.

Could it be that……

He raised his head, and saw Lu Zhuo under the execution platform, and then glanced around, but he didn't see Hawkeye.

"Is that so..." My heart was a little complicated. Sauron originally went to sea to challenge Hawkeye, but he didn't expect Hawkeye to lose to the sword god Lu Zhuo. From now on, the goal I want to surpass is Lu Zhuo. Excellent.

Following Luffy and Zoro are Shipin and a large group of pirates who advanced into the city and escaped from prison. Their loud shouts finally broke the peaceful battlefield completely.

"Don't stand still, sons, go and rescue Ace!" White Beard roared, grabbing the repaired Yanyue Knife first, and a shocking force erupted from the blade, sweeping forward.

Click click!

There was a sound like cracking ice, and the space shattered like a spider's web. The marines in front screamed and flew upside down, no one could stop them!
"Whitebeard, you're old, you loser, just die here!" Akaken roared, and was about to rush up, but the next moment, a huge figure emitting golden light jumped in front of him.

"The harbor has been completely destroyed, all plans have been destroyed, and Whitebeard is handing over to me!"

The one who spoke was the Warring States of Marshal Buddha. After eating the human fruit of the top ten phantom beasts of the top ten animal species, after transforming into the form of a Buddha, his strength directly reached the level of the elite four emperors.

Sengoku stared at Whitebeard, he knew about Akakenu's little conspiracy, but at this moment Whitebeard obviously didn't have any hidden wounds, and he was in peak condition. Akainu couldn't stop Whitebeard like this, he could stop it , only him and Garp!
Seeing this, White Beard sneered and said, "Warring you want to stop me by yourself?"

"Hmph, I'm enough alone!" Sengoku responded coldly, but he glanced at Karp sitting on the execution platform from the corner of his eye, and sighed in his heart.

The next moment, the shocking power of the shocking fruit collided with the shock wave of the Warring States Period.

There was a loud noise, the air hummed, and a gust of wind blew in all directions, cracking the ice surface more thoroughly.

But White Beard and Sengoku each took a step back, seemingly evenly divided, once again turning the battle into a heated state!
Marco and other captains led the team to launch a new round of attack, and Luffy's entry made the battlefield even more chaotic. Crocodile seemed to be competing with Luffy, and he also knew that it was impossible to sneak attack in a short time. After losing the white beard, the hatred turned to Luffy.

However, Lu Zhuo looked at Hancock with tender eyes, the two of them were like a young couple, no matter how they looked at each other on this battlefield, they were not at odds.

Those shotguns and stray bullets flying towards him were directly shattered into pieces within three feet of Lu Zhuo.Those red-eyed people, before rushing in front of Lu Zhuo, were smashed to pieces with thousands of swords in their bodies.

Some sane people saw that both Lu Zhuo and Hancock subconsciously avoided, Lu Zhuo squeezed Hancock's face, suddenly raised his head, and looked at the sky.

The battle with Hawkeye made Lu Zhuo go a little further on the road of swordsmanship, and the road to the original swordsmanship has already gone half way.

The road in front of Lu Zhuo is already a straight avenue, and the end can be seen at a glance!
When the road of kendo comes to an end, you will reach the pinnacle of the top four emperors. If you touch the source, you will be a semi-sage, and if you fuse the source, you will be a saint!

(End of this chapter)

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