Chapter 159 Thunder God Descends (Eighth)

The fist collided with the foot, making a crackling sound, and the momentum was not much weaker than that of Whitebeard and Sengoku confronting each other.The air exploded amid the roar, and ripples visible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

The forces offset each other, and when they were in a stalemate, Garp suddenly spoke, and a small voice came into Lu Zhuo's ears.

"In that case, then you can rescue Ace, even if the old man owes you a favor."

Talking in his mouth, his body was immediately discouraged, and Garp's body was immediately kicked back by Lu Zhuo.

There was a loud noise, and a big hole in the shape of a human was smashed out on the ground. Although it looked funny, this was a battlefield, and the terrifying momentum made people unable to laugh at all.

At this time, Karp patted the dust on his body again, crawled out from inside, and laughed loudly: "Have a good time, come again!"

The two wrestled together again. After receiving the punch, Lu Zhuo responded, "I have a deal with Ace, so you don't have to worry about him."

The roar continued, and the two fought farther and farther away, leaving the execution platform and entering the center of the venue.

Although Warring States was puzzled about why Lu Zhuo didn't use a sword, he was relieved to see Lu Zhuo and Garp fighting and not saving Ace, and concentrated on dealing with Whitebeard.

As soon as he concentrated, he gradually equalized the situation, but he couldn't gain the upper hand.

Garp's physical strength has just begun to decline, but Sengoku is just at its peak. When he was young, Sengoku and Garp could only fight against a white beard. Now he can draw with Whitebeard alone.

In the original book, the betrayal of Whitebeard's son did not appear, and Whitebeard's hidden wound was healed again, and he fought the Warring States majesticly with one punch and one knife.

On the other side, Ace, who was handcuffed there, was constantly fluctuating in his mood. For him this day, he knew a little more, and the news kept echoing in his heart, even the white-hot below He completely forgot about the battle, and his mind was just blank.

Lu Zhuo and Garp fought hand-to-hand, and they fought very happily. Although Lu Zhuo was physically stronger than Garp, he was a swordsman, and he was not good at close combat. Brilliantly, he tied with Lu Zhuo.

The battle situation has completely entered a stalemate. Originally, the three admirals of the navy should be able to defeat the captains, but because a Crocodile who also has the strength of a top admiral keeps disrupting the situation, it is impossible to see the outcome in a short time.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and Enilo appeared on the stage with an extremely huge thunder ball!
"My God, what is that!"

"Thunder and lightning actually condensed into a ball, and this size!"

Someone below immediately noticed the change in the sky, and was shocked for a while.

Qingzhi stopped what he was doing, the muscles on his face twitched a few times, and he said, "Hey, this is a joke..."

"It's that thunderbolt man!" Marco blocked the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu of the yellow ape, and frowned. So did Crocodile, and so did Enilo. friend look.

In the sky, Enilo was covered in thunder and lightning, like a god. After Lu Zhuo, he became the two points of the audience, and once again stopped the war halfway.

"I am Enilo, the god of thunder, humble mortals, accept my divine punishment! Lei Ying!"

With a loud roar from Anilu, the giant thunderball immediately blasted downwards, covering the entire battlefield within the attack range.

"It's so scary, why is there another lunatic..." Huang Yuan was sent flying by Crocodile who was attacking him just now, and then he came out, and seeing this scene again, he felt a little bit bitter.

The power of thunder and lightning, except for a few people who can ignore it, I am afraid that everyone else will be seriously injured by this move.

Naturally, White Beard and Zhan Guo didn't want to see this kind of situation, so Qiqi gave up in tacit understanding, and then punched the sky with one palm at a time.

Lu Zhuo dodged, separated from Garp, looked at the sky, and twitched the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, as I thought, Enilu still messed up, forget it, just make trouble as you like, the more chaotic the better.

I saw the thunder ball crashing down, and a shock wave and a concussion force burst out from below at the same time, colliding with the thunder and lightning.

An earth-shattering bang!

The thunderball was shattered by the force of two kinds of forces. Even so, after the thunderball was defeated, the thunderbolts were not completely wiped out, but some of them were still scattered, and most of the navy pirates were instantly burnt out. .

Luffy's rubber fruit is not afraid of this kind of lightning at all. Taking this opportunity to charge fiercely, it even got close to Ace. The yellow monkey frowned and dodged, but Luffy easily took his attack. Only then did he realize that It turns out that Luffy's strength has improved a lot.

Seeing Luffy rushing in front of Ace, Marco and the others felt bloody like chicken blood, their numb bodies surged out of strength again, and they fought for their lives with the navy.

At this moment, seeing the situation of the Warring States Period in a bad situation, he immediately issued an order, and all the pacifists appeared on the stage!
Each of these humanoid weapons has top lieutenant generals, even more difficult than ordinary generals. For a while, the pirates were tortured to death.

Even the pirates in the new world, if they are minions, will not be stronger than those supernovas who have gone to Chambord.And those supernovas were tortured to death by pacifists, it can be seen that it is normal!
With these more humanoid weapons, the momentum of the Whitebeard Pirates was immediately beaten back, and the navy faintly gained the upper hand.

The next moment, a flash of lightning shone in the crowd, and those who touched the lightning fell to the ground one after another. White Beard and Zhan Guo saw black lines on their heads.

"Little Lu Zhuo, what are you doing!"

"Lu Zhuo, this is your subordinate!"

The two turned their heads in a tacit understanding and glared at Lu Zhuo angrily. Because Enilo and Crocodile attacked indiscriminately, both of them were a little annoyed.

Lu Zhuo laughed, and said: "They are just here for fun, don't mind, you go ahead, look, Luffy is going to rescue Ace!"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo looked back, was startled, and wanted to return to defense, but White Beard laughed and stopped him, and the two started fighting again.

On the other side, under Luffy's rampage, he finally came to Ace's side, and the yellow monkey and others were all stopped. Ace looked at Luffy, and finally regained a little reason with his dull eyes.


"I'm here to save you, Ace!" Luffy jumped forward with a determined face, but a fist suddenly hit him from the side, knocking him out.

"It hurts...It really is...Grandpa!" Luffy got up, rubbed his face, looked at Garp, and said angrily: "Grandpa, get out of the way, I want to rescue Ace!"

"How is it possible! I'm the lieutenant general of the navy headquarters!" Garp glared at Luffy, but he kept glancing at Lu Zhuo who was strolling in the battlefield from the corner of his eye.

(End of this chapter)

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