Chapter 291 Aiming at the Black Dragon
It has no wisdom, only knows how to kill, and has only a little bit of fighting instinct. Even with half-holy power, it is a scum in front of Lu Zhuo!

All I saw was the ball of light, which exploded suddenly in its heart.

Silently, light and darkness shone together, and a ball of light with a radius of more than ten feet exploded, just enough to accommodate the body of the world-destroying dragon.

Then, there was a loud bang.

As if the void was collapsing, the ball of light suddenly retracted, and the space seemed to be distorted. If Lu Zhuo's sword field hadn't been suppressed here, this move would have the danger of breaking the barrier of the world.

The ball of light shrank, and it returned to the size of a fist. In it, there was a giant dragon condensed with black energy, roaring in anger and unwillingness, but finally in the darkness and light, coupled with the strongest sword intent, Under the combined obliteration of the three, they were completely wiped out.

In the end, the ball of light dissipated, leaving only a drop of crimson, glass-like blood in the air.

It is said to be a drop, but it is actually the size of a fist, but compared to the huge body of the dragon, it can also be said to be a drop.


The Holy Dragon Sword trembled with excitement, but instead of rushing over immediately, it sent out a thought to Lu Zhuo.

At this time, Lu Zhuo's face was slightly pale. The move just now consumed less than one-third of the magic power in his body. For him, this was also a very consuming move.

Looking at the trembling and buzzing Holy Dragon Sword, Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "Go."

After getting Lu Zhuo's consent, the Holy Dragon Sword cheered, and with a flicker, it pierced through that drop of blood.

Afterwards, the glass-like ten thousand dragon's blood essence completely wrapped up the holy dragon sword, and under the nourishment of this power, the holy dragon sword continued to strengthen.

Finally, after consuming that drop of blood essence, the original crimson body of the Holy Dragon Sword gradually became light red, and a color as transparent as glass appeared.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo revealed a surprised look, and said, "This...has the hope of becoming an Immortal Artifact."

Immortal artifacts are completely transparent and colorless, not stained with any dust, eternal and immortal sacred artifacts.Originally, this holy dragon sword was just an ordinary holy weapon, but now it is getting closer to an immortal holy weapon.

After the holy dragon sword absorbed the blood essence, it flew back to Lu Zhuo's side at once. After fluttering Lu Zhuo's arm a few times and rubbing against his shoulder, it melted into Lu Zhuo's body and disappeared.

"Master... I feel that if I can get this kind of Wanlong blood again, I can go one step further and become even more powerful!"

"Well, I see, there will be a chance."

Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and nodded, but a killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

If you want to get this kind of Wanlong blood essence again, you should only go to the black dragon Akunologia.To be able to exchange a black dragon for an immortal artifact, in Lu Zhuo's view, it was a very worthwhile deal.

Of course, he had to wait until he had the power to easily kill the black dragon.

The current Lu Zhuo, if he went to find the black dragon, he would probably be sprayed into ashes by a roar, leaving only a wisp of immortal will left.

If he wanted to kill the black dragon, Lu Zhuo reckoned that he would have to cultivate semi-holy magic power first, and then break through the blockade of this world, let the main body give him a portion of the original power, and only then could he barely fight with the power of the holy level.

After all, the black dragon is a holy level in the local world, even if Lu Zhuo injects another source into this clone, it is only a foreign holy level.

If you want to kill the black dragon easily, the safest way is to destroy the will of the world, and then refine the origin to become a true saint.

In that case, the ten black dragon Lu Zhuo can easily handle it.

At this time, the black dragon didn't know that he, who had already stood at the top of the world, was actually regarded as a prey.

"Lu Zhuo... what happened just now?"

Seeing Lu Zhuo flying over, both Lucy and Leibby looked blank. They only knew that Lu Zhuo was fighting, but they didn't know what they were fighting with.

The battle just now was extremely fierce, and they could guess that Lu Zhuo must have encountered a more troublesome opponent.If Lu Zhuo, a perverted guy, can get into trouble, the opponent must be very troublesome too.

"Oh, it's just a dragon."

"It turned out to be a... what did you say?! Dragon?!"

After Lucy nodded, in the middle of speaking, she suddenly showed a dull expression, and Libby beside her also had the same expression.

"What's the matter?" Lu Zhuo couldn't help laughing seeing the cute looks of the two of them.

"That... who won?" Looking at Lu Zhuo, Lucy couldn't help asking, although she seemed to be asking knowingly, but she still couldn't imagine that there would be a dragon, and was beheaded by Lu Zhuo.

"Hehe, I'm standing here unscathed, what do you think. That dragon is a crazy dragon, I have already killed it."

Afterwards, I saw Lucy and Leibby looking at each other, both of them showed a very cute expression, and murmured: "Change..."

After all this trouble, Fairy Tail's guild became famous all over the world.

Afterwards, Lu Zhuo directly stated that Fairy Tail is the number one guild under the Holy Palace. In this way, Fairy Tail's position in this world is stable and unshakable.

With the backing of a god like Lu Zhuo, who would dare to provoke Fairy Tail.

As for the two little girls, Lucy and Leiby, after going out with Lu Zhuo a few times, they are completely attached to Lu Zhuo.

These two girls, when they heard that as long as they had sex with Lu Zhuo, they could get Lu Zhuo's magic power, they almost joined forces to push Lu Zhuo back.

Moreover, under such a commotion, Juvia, Wendy and other girls from Fairy Tail also entangled Lu Zhuo.

That posture seemed to be a cheap thing to be pushed down by Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo first underestimated their desire for magic power, and secondly underestimated his allure to them.

Of course, the last Lu Zhuo would never refuse girls.Since you said you want to get magic power, then do it.However, after that, Lu Zhuo declared his sovereignty domineeringly.

Not to mention the exchange of magic power, as long as she is given something by herself, she must be his woman.

Girls in this open world may think differently from Lu Zhuo, but in Lu Zhuo's view, this kind of thing is absolutely not negotiable.

Of course, Lucy and other girls are also willing, and they all like Lu Zhuo, so, Lu Zhuo, this clone, has not reached the peak yet, and has already lived the same life as the main body.

This time, his magical progress slowed down a lot.

Counting from the time when Lu Zhuo came to Aedras, nearly two years have passed. In the world of Aedras, there are Lu Zhuo's temples everywhere, and almost every floating island has such a temple.

Those transcendents came from Estonia to the floating island below, lived in the temple, and became the guardian of the temple.

This is what Queen Charlotte did specifically, in order to further improve their status.

Regarding this, Lu Zhuo laughed it off, neither encouraged nor opposed, and let his freedom go.

(End of this chapter)

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