Chapter 304 Fairy Sword
Seven days later, in a clearing in Magnolia, everyone from Fairy Tail gathered to watch. In the center of the venue were Erza with an indifferent face and Laxus with a slight disdain in his eyes.

"Elusha, I admit that you are very strong, but compared to me, you are still a bit weaker!" Laxus folded his hands on his chest, with a cigar in his mouth, and a burst of lightning power erupted from his body .

"Really?!" Erza responded coldly, a burst of light burst out from her whole body.

Dress up... The Thunder Emperor's Armor!
The second source of magic power, open!

In an instant, a wave of earth-shattering magic power erupted all over Erza's body. Only a super S-rank magician could burst out of this special momentum. Like Gildas, it can trigger the magic tremor of an island.

Feeling this power, Laxus, who was originally relaxed and disdainful, suddenly changed his face.

"Impossible! How could it be so strong!"

"Stop talking nonsense, eat me with a sword!" Erza didn't stop in her footsteps, she jumped forward and slashed towards Laxus with her sword.

Seeing this scene, Laxus didn't dare to be careless, and directly used the strongest move.

Thunder Dragon Fang Tianji!

After a blast, Laxus only held a golden halberd made of thunder and lightning in both hands. There were lightning on it flying around like a small brontosaurus.

"Elusha is so strong! From the very beginning, Laxus really took action!"

"It's scary, as expected, it's the queen of fairies, Erza."

The mages watching from the guild looked at Ersha with a bit of fear on their faces, almost like a mage in Fairy Tail, who had been taught by Erza.It is inevitable that I will be afraid when I see Erza.

Seeing Laxus using the strongest moves, Erza was not afraid at all, the sword in her hand drew a beautiful arc, and directly fell on the head.

When the two collided, Laxus' Fang Tian's painted halberd exploded directly. After all, it was only formed by the condensation of lightning and had no entity.

But Erza also endured a violent thunder and lightning force. Even though the thunder emperor's armor can reduce the damage of lightning, she still felt paralyzed and flew backwards.

This time, it can be said that no one took advantage of it.

However, since Laxus was already extremely serious, he didn't have any intention of hiding his clumsiness. After the Thunder Dragon Fangtian Halberd in his hand exploded, he took a few steps back and tilted his head back.

Thunder Dragon's... Roar!
"What?!" Naz and the others were shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't know that the lightning power of Laxus turned out to be the Dragon Slayer Magic of Thunder!

Her body flew upside down in mid-air, watching the ferocious thunder dragon roar, Ersha's expression remained unchanged, she let out a loud shout, and the sword in her hand transformed into a long spear, facing the roaring thunderbolt and stabbing it directly.

This time, because of the hasty change, the spear in Ersha's hand exploded directly, but she also drilled the roar from the middle, causing it to explode completely.

On the side, with Mira in one arm and Lucy in the other, and Lisanna pinching her shoulders behind her, Lu Zhuo, who looked like a gentleman, nodded and said with a smile, "Elusha is going to win."

"No way, it's obvious that Erza is at a disadvantage." Miss Lucy's beautiful eyes flashed, revealing a puzzled look.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Erza's figure, and changed her clothes again before landing in the air. There was no armor at all, only ordinary red trousers and a white bandage wrapped around her chest.

In her hand, she held a light red long sword, exuding a faint aura.

This sword was named Fairy Sword by her.It is her most powerful move, giving up all defenses, and putting all the magic power into the attack.

She was unable to use this move before, but under Lu Zhuo's several instructions, her swordsmanship has also entered the room, and she easily reached the level of a swordsman.

This sword is also at the level of the supreme sword. Ersha, who has reached the super S-level magic power, and she has learned the pressure of the sword in swordsmanship, and has become a swordsman, so she can use it normally.

In the original book, she only used such a move when she was fighting with Kagura, who is not afraid of the sky, when she was performing martial arts in the big magic fight, and she used it with great reluctance, only after opening the second source of magic power.

Now she can already grasp it relatively easily, which shows how much her strength has increased!

Makarov on the side looked at this scene, his eyes narrowed, and he murmured: "Eluza has become much stronger for being able to use such a powerful sword. What about Laxus... huh?! This is... ...the law of goblins?!"

When Makarov turned his head to look at Laxus, his eyes almost popped out. Seeing Laxus' hideous face and the familiar ball of light in his palm, Makarov roared and said: "Laxus, stop it! Are you crazy to use this here?!"

"I don't care, I must win!"

Laxus had a grim look on his face. After feeling the aura of Ersha taking out the sword, he knew that ordinary moves must not be his opponent.In order to win, he even directly lifted the hole cards of this trick.

"Hey, are you kidding, is that the law of goblins?!"

"My God, Laxus has actually learned one of the three super magics of Fairy Tail... the law of fairies!"

Lucy looked at this scene with shock in her expression, and said: "What a powerful wave of magic power, such a powerful move, can Erza resist it?"

Lu Zhuo stroked her golden hair, shook his head with a light smile, and said, "Unfortunately, if this trick is not used, Laxus will not lose so badly..."

"What? Laxus will lose?" The eldest lady didn't react for a while.

At this time, Ersha had a serious face, and she didn't have any moves, she just rushed forward a few steps, and swiped the sword in her hand fiercely.

A sword light erupted instantly, sweeping towards Laxus directly.

The law of the goblin in Laxus' hands also exploded at this moment.

This move is a suppressive super-wide-range attack that can even cover half of Magnolia, but it has a shortcoming in essence, that is, it cannot be used to confront a partner.

Because this trick will only target the existence that is identified as the enemy in the heart.But in Laxus' heart, he didn't regard everyone in Fairy Tail as enemies.

Ever since, a shocking ray of light flashed, and with Makarov's angry roar, everyone's jaws dropped.

The law of the goblin in Laxus had no effect at all, and was directly cut down by Erza's sword!

Standing behind Laxus, Erza slowly withdrew her sword. She used the back of the sword just now, but the slash with the sword light was also extremely fierce. If it wasn't for Laxus' physique of a dragon slayer , will definitely be scratched.

But even if he was not scratched, Laxus was still lying on the ground after being hit by the back of the sword, unable to stand up for a while.

Seeing this scene, Makarov breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The winner... Erza, Shukalette!"

(End of this chapter)

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