Chapter 306 Life Crystal (Part [-])
At this moment, a roar came from the top of the head, and a figure rushed down in a ball of flames.

"Damn it, I don't know who, I'm going to beat you... eh?"

Naz came here after Urrutia, and when he saw two figures who were about to make a move, he was dumbfounded.

One was a beautiful and charming girl, and the other was Lu Zhuo who he recognized immediately.Where is the shadow of the masked old man he chased before?
Of course Naz didn't know that the masked old man was Urutia pretending to be.

Seeing Naz jumping down, Lu Zhuo snorted coldly and said, "Naz, you got into trouble again."

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Naz was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you not an S-level magician, and you can go to the second floor to receive S-level missions..."

Before he finished speaking, Naz felt his eyes blur, and then Lu Zhuo flashed in front of him and slapped him hard on the forehead.

Naz, who was blown away by Lu Zhuo, finally realized that Lu Zhuo was scarier than Erza in some aspects, and suddenly showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Go up there, I'm here."

Looking at Naz who was blown away by him, Lu Zhuo raised the corner of his mouth and said lightly, then turned and returned to Urrutia.

Urrutia looked at the piece of ice and said sadly, "Is this what she made with her life?"

"Yes, if you want to revive her, you have to start from here."

Lu Zhuo came to Urutia's side and patted her on the shoulder lightly, giving her a look of joy.

"Can you revive her?"


Seeing Urrutia's joyful and overwhelmed look, Lu Zhuo poured a basin of cold water on it, saying: "Your arc of time has a big flaw, it can't be used on living things, so it can't be used." Use it on these ices. But to revive Uru, the most important thing is time reversal."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhuo walked up to the ice, stretched out his hand, stroked the piece of ice lightly, and continued: "Now, with all my strength, I can reverse the time. But I can't reverse the time of life. In that case, even if Ulu is revived, she can only survive for a short moment. So..."

Lu Zhuo pulled out the Holy Dragon Sword fiercely, and slashed at it.

At this moment, Nazgrelio and the others came here while beating and walking, and happened to see a scene that shocked them so much.

Seeing that Lu Zhuo's sword cut the ice that could not be destroyed by any magic, it was split into two halves!

Among them, the demon Daliola was naturally completely dismembered!
" is it possible! This is absolutely frozen!"

Leo and Gray, who were wrestling, showed expressions of disbelief and rubbed their eyes.Doubt yourself dreaming.Only Naz felt that it was normal. After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Urrutia was confused and didn't know what he was thinking.

Looking at the solid ice that was cut in half by his own sword, Lu Zhuo retracted the Holy Dragon Sword and nodded.

In fact, this absolute freezing is no longer the power of magic, nor the power of origin, but involves the power of rules.That's why it can't be cracked by ordinary methods.

However, if the power can be strong enough to break even the rules, it will naturally be able to break it.

When Lu Zhuo was in the world of One Piece, he was able to cut off the rules with his sword at the semi-holy level, not to mention that now his avatar has the strength of the holy level, and it is easy to cut through the rules.

Ignoring the stunned Naz and others, Lu Zhuo waved lightly, and Delioula's body was instantly wiped out.

Then, he flipped his hands, one hand was white light, the other hand was black light.

The Arc of Light and Darkness... Absolute Seal!
Super magic in Lu Zhuo's hands is like eating and drinking, and he can use it at will.

Black light and white light flew up and down, covering the two huge pieces of ice. Then, under the effect of the sealing power, the two pieces of ice became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into two crystal clear crystals.

Holding it in his hand, Lu Zhuo walked up to Urutia and said calmly: "This is Uru's body. I can't revive her now, but I can do it soon. Important What’s more, here, is Uru’s will to stay.”

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Urutia's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he took the two crystals that Lu Zhuo handed over.

The moment he got it in his hand, Urutia felt all the thoughts of Ulu during his lifetime.

I also know that her mother, Ulu, has always loved her, but she thinks that Ulu gave her love to Gray and Leo.

Silently, Urrutia, a strong, intelligent girl, burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo sighed in his heart, then turned around, looked at Nazgray and the others, and said, "Both of you, come back to the guild with me, the matter is almost settled."

At this time, Leo suddenly showed a ferocious look on his face, and roared: "It's just defeated Deliola! I can't surpass Uru..."

"No... no! Since you killed Deliola, then as long as I kill you, I will surpass Ulu!" Leo seemed to suddenly understand something, and looked at Lu Zhuo with murderous intent. , and then gritted his teeth, staring at Lu Zhuo, his body began to surge with magic power.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo said coldly: "Deliola died a long time ago, in Ulu's hands. By the way, with your state of mind, you can't surpass Ulu in a lifetime!"

"What did you say? Uru killed Deliola? No, you're lying! I'll kill you!" Leo shouted angrily, and rushed towards Lu Zhuo. With a wave of his wrist, a huge ice dragon suddenly condensed out , and bit Lu Zhuo fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Gray and Natsu looked at each other in the distance, and then mourned for Leo in their hearts.

Lu Zhuo had a cold expression on his face, looking at the ice dragon that was leaping towards it with its claws and claws, a killing intent flashed in his eyes, but he forcibly suppressed it again.

Under Leo's unbelievable gaze, Lu Zhuo directly stretched out his hand, grabbed the ice dragon's neck, and squeezed it hard.

The whole ice dragon exploded directly!
Although this modeling magic is lifelike, it has no real life. Even Ulu's modeling magic, which has reached the level of the top ten magic guides, creates ice, but it is still lifeless.

And the essence of modeling magic is to create life, and the only thing that can create life is the power of the source!

In other words, in fact, modeling magic is also a road leading to the origin and sanctification.As long as you go to the extreme, you can become a saint.

But Leo was clearly far from it.

"There is no life..." Lu Zhuo looked indifferent, took a step forward, and came directly in front of Leo, slapped him casually, and sent him flying.

With horror and disbelief in Leo's eyes, he said, "My ice dragon..."

(End of this chapter)

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